Illinois Food Banks >>
Chicago Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Chicago IL
Greater Chicago Food Depository Chicago, IL 60632 773.247.3663 |
Details: We are Chicago’s food bank — a nonprofit food distribution and training center that provides food for hungry people while striving to end hunger in our community. The Food Depository, founded in 1979, makes a daily impact across Cook County with a network of 650 pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, mobile programs, children’s programs, older adult programs and innovative responses that address the root causes of hunger. Last year, the Food Depository distributed 66 million pounds of shelf-stable food, fresh produce, dairy products and meat, the equivalent of 150,000 meals every day. |
Our Lady of Lourdes Soup Kitchen Chicago, IL 60640 773.561.2141 |
Details: Our Lady of Lourdes Soup Kitchen was started in 1980 as a Lenten project. A few of the initial founders are Rosemary Vallely, Helen Cosgrove and John Klemanovic. They continue to help as possible. In the beginning, food was begged from various sources. Now we are able to purchase from the Greater Chicago Food Depository and we are often blessed with food donations from local stores and restaurants. In the early days dinners were put on actual dinner plates that would have to be washed. Today we use Styrofoam. This cuts time and makes the soup kitchen easier to manage. We serve up to 300 meals per week. We have always had cooked meals and have never served soup. Our guests leave with a sack lunch. When quantities of left over food are large enough, they are distributed to the guests in to-go containers. In addition, we are blessed to have two outside agencies that assist us during the year. Our Lady or Ransom Parish comes on the fourth week in the odd numbered months during the school year. They provide all the food. They also participate at Thanksgiving and have a large clothing drive to provide warm clothes for the clients. The Ancient Order of Hibernians is another group that participates and they also provide the food. They participate the week before Thanksgiving, the Wednesday before Christmas Week and the Wednesday before Easter. The hours of operation for the soup kitchen are from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday. |
St. Thomas of Canterbury - Soup Kitchen/Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60640 773.878.5507 |
Details: Our Soup Kitchen is open every Tuesday and Friday throughout the year, except on Christmas Eve/Day. We currently serve 120 to 170 people each time. The doors are open to guests from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Our Food Pantry is open from 9:30 a.m. until 12 noon every Tuesday and two Fridays each month (usually the 2nd and 4th Fridays). We serve anyone with a home address within the boundaries set for us by the Chicago Food Depository. Our Food Pantry Boundaries are from Wilson Ave. north to Bryn Mawr, and from Lake Michigan west to Clark St. (60640 zip code). We can serve households in our area once every 30 days. We can serve out-of-area clients once on an emergency basis. We ask clients not to arrive earlier than 8:30 a.m. and to please respect the quiet of our residential neighborhood. |
Lakeview Pantry East Chicago, IL 60613 773.525.1777 |
Details: Lakeview Pantry is one of Chicago’s largest food pantries. Our mission is to eliminate hunger and poverty in our community by: providing food to fill the basic need of hungry people; increasing the independence of our clients through self-help initiatives and other innovative programs; and raising awareness of hunger and poverty and working towards solutions to eliminate them. Opened in 1970, Lakeview Pantry is one of the longest-lived food pantries in Chicago. It originated from the efforts of a few dedicated neighbors who wanted to help people in their community who were struggling to secure the food they needed. We provide on-site food distribution, deliver food to home-bound clients, distribute free clothing, and have a social services program that helps clients connect with other services they need to address the causes of food insecurity. Our food distribution hours are: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12-4. You may drop off donations Monday – Friday, 9-5. |
Lakeview Pantry West Chicago, IL 60657 773.404.6333 |
Details: Lakeview Pantry is one of Chicago’s largest food pantries. Our mission is to eliminate hunger and poverty in our community by: providing food to fill the basic need of hungry people; increasing the independence of our clients through self-help initiatives and other innovative programs; and raising awareness of hunger and poverty and working towards solutions to eliminate them. Opened in 1970, Lakeview Pantry is one of the longest-lived food pantries in Chicago. It originated from the efforts of a few dedicated neighbors who wanted to help people in their community who were struggling to secure the food they needed. We provide on-site food distribution, deliver food to home-bound clients, distribute free clothing, and have a social services program that helps clients connect with other services they need to address the causes of food insecurity. Our food distribution hours are: Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30 to 8pm, and Saturdays, 11:30am to 1pm. You may drop off donations Tuesday and Thursday 4:30-8pm, and Saturday 10am to 1pm or call in advance. |
A Just Harvest - Community Kitchen Chicago, IL 60626 773.262.2297 |
Details: Our Community Kitchen is the largest and only self-standing community soup kitchen in the Chicago metro area. We serve hot, nutritious meals 365 days per year to anyone in need. Last year, the Community Kitchen served more than 54,000 meals. The Community Kitchen also distributes several thousand pounds of food each month by hosting the Greater Chicago Food Depository’s Producemobile, which distributes fruit and vegetables to more than 200 families. Anyone in need is welcome. We do not require referrals or identification. The Community Kitchen is a welcoming place for children and families. Another service of the Community Kitchen is the Children’s Anti-Hunger Collaborative, which meets the nutritional needs of children in our community by: Enhancing the food and nutrition component of both the Howard Area Community Center’s Greensleeves After-School Project and the Good News Reading Program; Hosting the City of Chicago’s Summer Nutrition Program; and, Operating a free hot lunch program for school age children during the school’s winter and spring breaks. |
Franciscan Outreach - Marquard Center Kitchen Chicago, IL 60622 773.278.6724 |
Details: The Marquard Center Dining Room, located at 1645 W. LeMoyne in the Wicker Park/Bucktown community, serves nutritious meals to 100 individuals every night of the year. Although we are called a soup kitchen, our meals often consist of a main course, side dishes, milk, coffee, bread, dessert and beverages. While eating, guests are encouraged to talk and get to know each other. We strive to recognize our guests by name and encourage them to speak with our available case managers. It is our hope that by putting our guests in contact with the people who can aid them in finding services, they might find the resources they need to start building a better life. The meal is served at 5:00 PM every night. On Wednesdays, additional services such as mental health outreach, drop-in case management, medical attention, and substance abuse counseling are available beforehand during the day. We also offer shower facilities, the only free drop-off laundry service in the city, a mailing address, and use of telephones. All of these extra services contribute to guests maintaining a sense of personal dignity, as well as making connections to a better future. |
Irving Park Community Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60641 773.283.6296 |
Details: The Irving Park Community Food Pantry is dedicated to feeding people in our community who are in need and providing education on hunger-related issues. Our goal is to provide caring, consistent service through an equitable distribution of Pantry resources to all clients. Together, we are doing important work. Together, we are neighbors helping neighbors. |
Care for Real - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60640 773.769.6182 |
Details: Clients can come to Care for Real once a month for staple food items...rice, beans, peanut butter, etc. Plus, they can come up to four times a week for the fresh produce and bread that is so generously donated by neighborhood groceries and bakeries. Yet the average CFR client "shops" for staples at the pantry just seven times a year. CFR is their safety net during especially hard times. On average, CFR distributes almost 60,000 pounds of food each month. We purchase most of our staple foods from the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Local retailers, including Dominick's, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Intelligentsia Coffee, Starbuck's Coffee, True Nature Foods and Flourish Bakery, regularly donate produce and bakery goods. And the community supports Care for Real with individual donations and food drives sponsored by houses of worship, schools, businesses, block clubs and residential buildings. Purchased food is selected for variety, nutrition and with respect for religious beliefs and ethnic preferences. For the homeless, CFR distributes specially packaged foods that do not require refrigerated storage, can openers or cooking. In addition, Care for Real provides special food baskets for Thanksgiving, Eid al-Fitr and Christmas to make those holidays brighter for our neighbors. We also provide children's diapers and cleaning and personal-hygiene products as well as home health care items (canes, adult incontinence items, skin care, etc.) when they are available |
Adele and Robert Stern Red Shield Center - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60621 773.358.3200 |
Details: Food assistance is provided on a drop-in basis on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Individuals requesting this assistance must provide identification and proof of address. Assistance is provided based on the availability of food. Day/Date: Wednesdays and Thursdays. Time: 9:00a.m.-11:00a.m. and 1p.m.-3p.m. |
The Salvation Army Chicago Lawn Corps and Community Center - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60629 773.434.0488 |
Details: The Salvation Army Chicago Lawn Corps and Community Center serves our communities in the Chicago Lawn area by providing food supplies for families and individuals in need. We do this every Wednesday and we partner with the Chicago Food Depository to provide as many supplies as we can to the people in need we serve. The food Pantry has the following schedule: Wednesdays 9:45am to 11:45am. We serve on a basis of first come first serve. However, all our clients receive the same kind and amount of goods every Wednesday. Individuals and families can bring an ID and a proof or residency on the first visit. We also ask that our clients visit once every 30 days to give room to other people to benefit from this service. Mobile Food Pantry: The Salvation Army Chicago Lawn Corps and Community Center also hosts a Mobile Food Pantry every fourth Thursday of every month from 9:30am to 11:00am. Same restrictions apply. The Mobile Food Pantry is hosted at our parking lot behind the church building. Please note that the date may change due to special occasions, holidays or emergencies. The ending time may vary based on food allocations. |
The Salvation Army Chicago Temple Corps and Community Center - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60607 312.492.6803 |
Details: Emergency Services and the Food Pantry are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am – 1pm. |
The Salvation Army LaVillita Corps Community Center - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60623 773.257.0700 |
Details: Food Pantry: Wednesday 10:00am – 12:00pm |
The Salvation Army Midway Corps Community Center - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60638 773.838.8005 |
Details: The Salvation Army Midway Corps Food Pantry is opened Wednesday and Fridays 10am – 11:30am and 1pm – 2:30pm for residents living in the 60632 and 60638 zip codes in Chicago, Illinois. |
Marillac Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60612 773.826.3155 |
Details: Marillac’s Food Pantry serves individuals and families on the West Side of Chicago by providing food, nutrition and health education, and connection to a variety of other needed resources. Marillac House Food Pantry is a member agency of the Greater Chicago Food Depository’s network of 650 food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters. In 2011, Marillac received recognition from GCFD for demonstrating best practices in serving our clients. Our service area is considered a “food desert†– meaning there is a significant lack of access to healthy, affordable food – especially fresh produce. According to a 2011 Greater Chicago Food Depository study, there are over 50,000 food insecure residents living in the communities we serve. The poverty rate averages over 30%, and in East Garfield Park and North Lawndale, it is 43%. As these statistics clearly demonstrate, there is a critical need for food assistance programs in these communities. In the past two years, there have been food pantries closing in our area, as well as other pantries further limiting their service boundaries. Consequently, Marillac’s food pantry continues to serve more families every month. Marillac served an average of 500 families per month in 2010. In 2012, Marillac’s food pantry has served over 1,000 families each month. A record-breaking 1,357 families were served in October 2012. Our pantry is Client Choice, meaning that clients are able to pick out food that best fits their families’ needs, rather than receiving a pre-packed bag of groceries. Client Choice empowers clients to make nutrition and health decisions for themselves and their families. It also promotes a welcoming and respectful environment in which clients access needed services. We offer a variety of healthy options including fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat, and bread. |
RTW Veteran Center - Soup Kitchen Chicago, IL 60637 312.972.2582 |
Details: The RTW Veteran Center has been serving hot meals from 10AM to 6PM to those without for over 3 years, and it hasn’t been an easy task. RTW Veteran Center volunteers pick up food every night to stock up for the next busy day. And With our 2012 rate of service, we provided over 4,000 meals a month. Students from the culinary art school Le Cordon Bleu have recognized the Veteran Center as an important community service in the south side of Chicago and have joined in our efforts by volunteering. These resourceful chefs pull together amazing dishes using bare minimum resources to give the needy a good, wholesome and nutritious meal. While eating, our Center provides entertainment through educational content as our staff members go over options with those looking for jobs, addiction rehab programs, and emergency shelters. By taking care of the immediate things such as food, clothes, and shelter, we are then able to assist in helping people get stabilized. In 2011 we gave out over 15,000 meals to those who visited our center and eat out of our kitchen. These included the youth, teenagers, youth adults, families, adults, and seniors. In 2012 we increased this amount serving over 4,000 meals per month and 2013 are numbers are yet increasing. It is the RTW Veteran Center's goal to provide free balanced health meals three times per day, seven days per week to veterans, their families, and all who are in need. If this is an effort you wish to support whether small or large, please click our donations page. |
Breaking Bread Chicago, IL 60610 312.573.8800 |
Details: Breaking Bread is considered both a ministry of LaSalle Street Church and a partner ministry. Breaking Bread reaches out to hungry and homeless individuals and families in our neighborhood. Each Wednesday evening, we serve a home-cooked meal to more than 100 guests. We also provide clothing, referrals, health services, and a family experience for our guests. |
Hyde Park SDA Soup Kitchen Chicago, IL 60653 773.373.2909 |
Details: Soup Kitchen - Wednesday afternoon 12:00 pm |
Grant Memorial AME Church - Operation PULL Chicago, IL 60653 773.285.5819 |
Details: Operation PULL makes food, clothing, health checks and health and beauty aids available to those who are in need. For ever 25 years, this ministry has provided quality nutritious meals and groceries having been recognized by the Greater Chicago Food Depository as the Agency of the Month in 2014. In 2013, Operation PULL distributed over 60 tons of food and 12,000 meals. |
Matthew House - Soup Kitchen Chicago, IL 60653 888.270.3433 |
Details: Soup Kitchen: Monday - Friday: Breakfast - 8am to 9am, Lunch - 12pm to 1pm; Saturday: Breakfast - 9am to 10am, Lunch: 12pm to 1pm |
St. Pius V - Soup Kitchen/Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60608 312.226.6161 |
Details: St. Pius V assists people in need through a transition to economic independence and personal and family health. Soup Kitchen: For the hungry, whether they have no home or live in poverty, St. Pius V’s soup kitchen serves 500 hot meals weekly in the church basement on Monday, Friday and Saturday at 12:30 pm. Food Pantry: Each week approximately 65 families receive two large baskets of food from St. Pius V’s Food Pantry. Service on Tuesdays, 3:00-5:00 pm. |
Shepherd's HOPE - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60621 773.846.9494 |
Details: On March 3, 2009 a ministry was birthed that the Lord appropriately named Shepherd’s HOPE. Beginning with feeding a homeless man a homemade lunch followed by a series of events, the Lord prompted the founder Brian Anderson to open a food pantry in the dangerous and devastated Englewood community of Chicago. With 3 drug food pantryhouses on the block and constant violence on the street, the Lord used this little 1000 square foot food pantry to rock the lives of many individuals and turn their block and community upside down. Great change has occurred in our community since Shepherd’s Hope opened its doors. Violence has significantly decreased and the drug activity that was so prevalent is greatly diminished. A real sense of community is developing as we serve and show respect to all who enter the doors of Shepherd’s HOPE. From the very beginning, we gave ownership of the food pantry to the community. Nearly all of our volunteers are also clients who live near the pantry. In addition to providing food, we are working to mentor, train and raise HOPE for the residents of this community. Much of that goal is realized through the daily tasks at the pantry. |
Shepherd's HOPE - Family Feeding Center Chicago, IL 60621 773.846.0080 |
Details: From the beginning Shepherd’s HOPE has focused on building relationships while providing much The Way Ministry Collaborationneeded material resources. The pantry of course has been the avenue through which those relationships have begun and then deeper connections have been made in the Bible studies. In 2014 The Way ministry partners began discussions about the need for a soup kitchen. They learned that there was none in Englewood! On April 23, 2014, The Family Feeding Center opened in the Peace Center at 6455 S Peoria. The Center allows great opportunity for conversation. After a meal the guests are invited to meet individually and explore other areas of need they may have – job search, housing, clothing, counseling. The Family Feeding Center welcomes everyone to join them on Wednesday or Friday between noon and 2:00 pm. |
St. Teresa of Avila Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60614 773.528.6650 |
Details: Our parish food pantry is a welcoming, dependable source of nutritious food, respect and social contact to the food insecure of our community. Most of the food is supplied from the from the Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD). However, we do supplement with donations from parishioners and purchase needed items. |
Benton House - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60608 773.927.6420 |
Details: In order to address food insecurity in our community, Benton House partners with the Greater Chicago Food Depository to provide a community food pantry in the Bridgeport neighborhood. The Food Pantry takes place in Benton House’s Pearse Gymnasium and newly renovated Ramova Room, at 3034 S Gratten ave. Our Food Pantry distribution occurs Fridays from 12 Noon until 2 pm. Our resources allow us to give families one full box of food per month; items including, but not limited to: fresh produce (fruit & vegetables), meat, bread, grains (pasta & rice), dairy items, and an assortment of canned items. While we do not turn anyone away, it is strongly encouraged to have a valid ID or other proof of residency upon registration. This helps us to know how often folks are attending our food pantry and which areas of the Bridgeport community are being served. |
Saint James Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60616 312.842.1919 |
Details: The St. James Food Pantry is essential to the area because it is the largest food pantry in 60616 zip code and the only food pantry in zip code 60605. We do not restrict our services based on income or religious affiliation. Clients are served solely on whether or not they reside in 60616 or 60605 zip codes. High unemployment levels and the increasing scarcity of affordable housing produce a greater need for the services Saint James Food Pantry provides than ever before. |
South Loop Community Church Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60605 312.566.9076 |
Details: The Food Pantry is a ministry of South Loop Community Church (SLCC). It is staffed by volunteers from SLCC, other area churches, and local community organizations. SLCC Food Pantry is open every Saturday morning from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Entrance to the Food Pantry is from the south parking lot. The Food Pantry is located at SLCC, 1347 S. State St., Chicago, IL 60605. Food distribution is from the SLCC kitchen. The kitchen is accessed via the south-facing parking lot. |
West Point Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60653 773.538.7590 |
Details: In June, 2005, we opened the West Point Food Pantry. This initiative was inspired after it became apparent that the community in which we serve was in need of food and clothing to supplement their daily needs. We witnessed our community going through our waste looking for food to feed their families. Under the guidance of our senior pastor, Dr. L. Bernard Jakes, we decided that one way to help combat hungry was to start and operate a food pantry. The pantry is supported solely by the church members and volunteers. Our outreach efforts have extended beyond our local community where we serve all surroundings areas where a need is apparent. We provide bags of food and fresh produce on a weekly basis and we also provide slightly used clothing. We utilize other City of Chicago services by recommending shelters, medical facilities and other social services (e.g. food stamps) when needed. We work in conjunction with other local religious and civic organizations that send their patrons to us for service. We offer free weekly blood pressure checks and other health screenings by on-site registered nurses and doctors. In 2008, the food pantry served over 19,000 individuals. The food pantry has been the recipient of numerous grants and awards offered by the Greater Chicago Food Depository and Jewel-Osco. We were awarded the “Best Food Pantry†by GCFD in 2007. The food pantry sponsors an annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner offering hot meals to the community on Thanksgiving eve. We are a member of the Bronzeville Anti-Hunger Network (BAN). Thanks to the dedication and hard-working volunteers, the food pantry has been a blessing to our community and faith family. Our food is purchased from the Greater Chicago Food Depository on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, which is funded by the church and it’s members. |
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60653 773.624.6722 |
Details: Food Pantry - Every third Friday at 12:00 Noon. |
First Bethlehem Lutheran Church - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60622 773.276.2338 |
Details: We pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.†For some people in our neighborhood, we are the answer to their prayer. One of the ways in which we help our neighbors is through our weekly food pantry, which is open on Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. Each week we serve around 60 to 70 clients. Two-thirds of them are homeless, while the other third are bringing groceries to their families. |
Ravenswood Community Services Chicago, IL 60640 773.769.0282 |
Details: Every Tuesday night, between 250 and 350 neighbors come to our Food Pantry seeking a bag of groceries. We provide a nutritionally balanced grocery bag to each person, which includes fresh milk, bread and meat. We also offer a “no-kitchen†option with easy-to-fix items and pop-top lids for our neighbors who primarily live on the streets. Our Community Kitchen provides a family-style meal for more than 120 neighbors each week. Teams of dedicated volunteers prepare and serve a hot entrée, vegetable, bread and often dessert. The majority of our patrons reside within a twelve-block area but some travel from as far as the South Side for our meal and fellowship. Several times a year, our dining hall is transformed into a four-star restaurant called the All Saints’ Café. At our Café, our neighbors enjoy choosing a gourmet multi-course meal from a specially prepared menu. Choices include wonderful delights such as prime rib, Oriental stir-fry and Greek chicken. They are also attended to by a wait staff and surrounded by music and entertainment. We partner with Ravenswood School in hopes of ensuring a powerful future for young people in our neighborhood. We produce the “Reality Fair,†a three-dimensional manifestation of the popular board game Life. This virtual game teaches 8th graders practical life skills through choices and financial realities, and it helps students consider their futures. In our newest program, “focus:future,†mentors guide soon-to-be-graduating students through the stressful and competitive high school program application process. |
Greater Mt. Vernon Baptist Church - Clothes Closet and Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60620 773.238.6688 |
Details: The Clothes and Food Pantry are open on the third Saturday of each month from 10:00 AM to Noon |
Shiloah Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60620 773.239.5959 |
Details: The Shiloah Church Food Pantry is an all-volunteer run outreach program of the Shiloah Baptist Church of Justine Street. We are a 501(c)3 and this service is provided through the generosity of Shiloah Church members & friends. Currently we are open for food distribution one day a week on Mondays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Our volunteers work to ensure that bags of food are readily available for people to come and pick up. In addition to distributing bags of food, we provide information to our recipients about area food resources to assist them in achieving self-sufficiency. Our food distribution program currently reaches almost 500 people a month. |
Gethsemane Church Of God In Christ - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60636 773.783.1701 |
Details: On October 13, 2004, Gethsemane opened up a Food Pantry under the vision of the Pastor Dion A, McCarthy and the direction of the first Lady Debra A. McCarthy. This program provides a bag of groceries to residents of the Englewood community - also known as a food desert. Our Food Pantry is open every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and being part of the Greater Chicago Food Depository, we are able to service hundreds of families monthly. We also provide social service resources and medical screening to our clients. Since the opening of the Gethsemane Food Pantry we have served more than 35,000 people annually. |
United Church of Rogers Park Community Feast/Soup Kitchen Chicago, IL 60626 773.761.2500 |
Details: The United Church of Rogers Park Community Feast/Soup Kitchen served it’s first dinner on October 7, 1984. The inspiration and commitment to see what we could do to engage with those in our neighborhood in need, began through a small covenant group of the church. We met to learn how to journey with God not just inwardly, but also outwardly (following the model described in a book by Elizabeth O’Conner called Journey Inward, Journey Outward). The idea of doing a Soup Kitchen began with a concern expressed by one member; a desire to make use of the church's little used kitchen; a visit to a neighboring soup kitchen; and, a message from scripture for that week about Jesus feeding the 5,000 with five loaves and two fish (Matthew 14). We decided we could afford to try it for a month and see how it went. It has been a journey; one of struggling to know who would help, where the food and money would come from; finding supplies and equipment to use; and, how to deal with all the people. But the journey has also been one of many blessings. We always had something to cook, people to help and, wonderful people coming to eat. Over the years, as our equipment and kitchen began to wear out, we were also blessed to find people willing to help us improve. So, today we have a beautiful new kitchen, our guests, new lightweight tables and chairs, and MANY wonderful volunteers. |
Polish American Association - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60641 773.282.8206 |
Details: For the past 30 years, Polish American Association has distributed food to low-income families through its food pantry. The main purpose of the Food Pantry is to provide nutritionally balanced food to our clients who are at risk of hunger. Clients can visit the Pantry every Wednesday between 9:30am and 1:00pm. The Pantry's service area includes all of zip code 60641 PAA staff with the help of volunteers gives away approximately 170 food packages weekly. Distributed food is provided by the Greater Chicago Food Depository, and by Polish businesses. |
North Park Friendship Center Chicago, IL 60625 773.267.8395 |
Details: The North Park Friendship Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating hunger and poverty in the Albany Park and North Park neighborhoods of Chicago. Our signature program is a food pantry. We also distribute free clothing and household goods, offer job training to our volunteer staff, and seek to provide or refer clients to needed services. We are supported by individuals, churches, institutions, businesses, grantors and foundations. |
Grace ECC - Fed With Grace Chicago, IL 60618 773.478.0208 |
Details: Fed With Grace is a food pantry that operates in partnership with the Greater Chicago Food Depository. The pantry is open 10 am to 12 pm every Saturday and serves neighbors from Kedzie to Pulaski and Irving Park to Lawrence. Neighbors can shop for food once per month. Bread donations from Panera are offered weekly. |
APCC Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60625 773.509.5657 |
Details: APCC partners with Queen of All Saints to offer food pantry service to local residents in need. The Food Pantry also accepts donations of food. Call Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm for further details and please note that the APCC Food Pantry will only serve clients who live in the following zip codes: 60625, 60618, 60630, 60641, 60646 and 60659. Clients must show proof of address, such as an ID or piece of mail with their name, current address and zip code listed. |
Windy City Community Church - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60631 |
Details: The food pantry is open the last Tuesday of each month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the Mercy House, 6112 Navarre, Chicago, Illinois 60631. We provide groceries to those in the community who need it. |
Onward Neighborhood House Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60641 312.666.6726 |
Details: At Onward Neighborhood House, we try to bring simple benefits to our families like healthy, well balanced meals. Through a partnership with the Greater Chicago Food Depository, we have recently opened a client-choice food pantry across the street from our Belmont Cragin center at St. Peter’s United Church of Christ. The food pantry is be client-choice, so visitors to the food pantry will be able to select items from different “food stations,†and shop like at a supermarket. Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc. generously donated 10 shopping carts for clients to use while shopping at the food pantry. Each food station will be different, and may include fruits, vegetables, dairy, frozen meats, bread and grains and breakfast foods. The “client-choice†opportunity will provide more freedom and dignity to the food pantry process, said Onward Neighborhood House’s Executive Director, Mario Garcia. Clients will be able to select their products, much like shopping at a small neighborhood grocer. As demand increases, Onward Neighborhood House anticipates increasing the food pantry’s availability to twice a week. The pantry will be open from 4 – 6 p.m. on Thursdays. The pantry is located in the basement of St. Peter’s Church, 2805 N. Linder Avenue. |
Lakeview Church of Christ - New Seed Pantry and Clothes Closet Chicago, IL 60640 773.561.2655 |
Details: The New Seed Pantry provides groceries for those in need on the last two Sundays of each month with hot lunch service on the last Sunday of the month. Most of our food supplies come from the Greater Chicago Food Depository at a deeply discounted rate. The New Seed Pantry has received an award of a $750 grant from Jewel-Osco to be used toward our purchases at the Depository. Additionally, we receive donations of bagels and pastries from Einstein Bagels and Starbucks. The Clothing Closet is open the next to last Sunday of each month (either the third or fourth Sunday). Gently used clothing and shoes are provided by LVCC Community members. |
St. Mary of the Lake Parish - Hagerty Center Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60613 773.525.8610 |
Details: The Hagerty Center, which was originally constructed to serve as a convent and presently houses the volunteers of Amate House, now functions most notably as the site for the St. Mary of the Lake Food Pantry, operated by the St. Mary of the Lake conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in partnership with our sharing parish, Immaculate Conception (on Talcott Avenue). Every two weeks pantry staff pick up a large amount of food for our pantry. That food is distributed to the needy in our parish on Wednesday and Friday Mornings. The conference also works with the Food Depository of Greater Chicago to supply food to feed the hungry of this neighborhood. Our dedicated team Andres and Juan make weekly trips to the depository. |
Common Pantry Chicago, IL 60618 773.327.0553 |
Details: Common Pantry is dedicated to providing emergency food and social services to our neighbors in need on Chicago’s North Side while addressing the root causes of food insecurity and poverty. Our mission is to be accomplished through targeted programming meant to affect change within the issues of hunger and food insecurity in our community. To make an impact on hunger, we provide weekly emergency food distributions, a monthly delivery of food supplies to seniors and a monthly distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables. To make an impact on food insecurity, our Common Community program is in place to provide assistance and guidance on related social service issues that ultimately lead a person to us for emergency food assistance. |
Mission of Our Lady of the Angels - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60651 773.486.8431 |
Details: The Mission currently provides food to about 700 families each month. We provide food to about 80+ families each Tuesday through a non-perishable goods pantry. We provide fresh produce, non perishable food, clothing, and household goods to about 250 families each month at our Mobile Pantry. We have about 70-150 volunteers help with this pantry. |
New Hope Community Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60631 773.775.1215 |
Details: The New Hope Community Food Pantry is an emergency food pantry serving zip codes 60630, 60631, 60646, and 60656 on the Northwest Side of Chicago. We have been a volunteer-driven and volunteer-run organization since November 2004. Our volunteers make it possible to serve as many people as necessary each week. Their commitment to creating a community where everyone is treated with respect and dignity permeates everything NHCFP undertakes. We provide a three to four day supply of food to eligible families in need once per month. We seek to provide all that is needed for a well-balanced diet, although we recognize that the food we are able to distribute is only meant to supplement -not provide -all the household's needs. We refer clients who have additional and specific needs to other available resource providers, give clients some training in nutrition and budgeting, and educate the community about hunger in our area and in the world. Hours of Operation: Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m. |
Circle Urban Ministries - Daily Bread Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60644 773.921.1446 |
Details: Circle Urban Ministries serves thousands of bags of food each year to needy families and individuals through the Daily Bread Food Pantry. Neighborhood residents can visit Daily Bread once per month. |
Howard Area Community Center Chicago, IL 60626 773.262.6622 |
Details: The mission of Howard Area Community Center is to assist low-income individuals and families in the greater Rogers Park and adjacent communities to stabilize their lives and to develop the social skills necessary to become effective community members. In order to accomplish this mission, the agency’s programs provide emergency intervention, family stabilization, and promote developmental growth. |
Sheridan-Carroll Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60707 773.237.4937 |
Details: Sheridan-Carroll Food Pantry has been feeding Chicagoans for over 25 years. An organization that started as a few guys getting together to deliver food baskets to some needy families around the holidays has grown over the years into a full blown food pantry, feeding over 200 families each month. As a purely volunteer organization, Sheridan Carroll takes every donation and applies it towards our goal – operating a food pantry. Our team donates thousands of hours each year to fundraising, gathering food, and passing the food along to the needy. The only payment they take is the satisfaction of knowing that they have helped other people. |
St. Cyprian's Ecumenical Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60634 773.283.9178 |
Details: The Food Pantry serves the following Chicago zip codes: 60634, 60707 in Chicago, and 60639 West of Central. Residents of these areas needing emergency food are eligible to receive food from the pantry once a month. Our customers are largely families classified as the working poor. Although they are working, their income is insufficient to adequately provide for housing, transportation, medical needs and proper nutrition. Guests are permitted to come to the Pantry once a month. Generally the food they receive is sufficient to last about three days. St. Cyprian is an emergency Food Pantry and is not equipped to meet all the food needs of individuals. In addition to providing for the nutritional needs of our customers on a monthly basis, we also: Provide food for the preparation of Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner; Provide Christmas gifts for children who would not otherwise receive them; Provide Easter baskets for children; Provide warm winter coats. HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday and Thursday, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
MYSI Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60655 773.840.4600 |
Details: The MYSI Food Pantry operates every Wednesday and Thursday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. In partnership with the Greater Chicago Food Depository. The MYSI Food Pantry is to provides nutritionally balanced food to the Mt. Greenwood and its surrounding community. We provide food bags to those in need or at risk of going hungry. We strive to increase awareness of hunger related issues to the community at large. Families are referred to additional community resources (housing, child care, senior care) to meet the variety of needs that they may have that are beyond the scope of the food pantry and agency. To access the food pantry, we require the following information: Individuals and families must provide proof of name and address (driver's license, state id, piece of mail etc.); Must attest that they fall within the U.S.D.A. income guidelines. This information is provided when individuals and families register; Tell us the number of people in the household so that we can provide enough food for one's family's needs. |
Christ Bible Church Of Chicago - Feeding Ministry/Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60649 773.734.2933 |
Details: Purpose/Mission Statement: To be a vehicle in providing assistance to those in need of food. The whole person must be taken care, before you can truly lead someone to Jesus Christ. The ministry will take care of their physical needs by providing good nutritional foods, and loving guide them spiritually toward a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. |
Joyful Harvest Ministry Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60628 |
Details: We are about servicing those in need. Our food pantry is open every Tuesday from 3pm until 5pm. We have fruits, vegetables, meats, can goods, milk, etc. You are allowed up to one visit per month . All you need to bring with you is an Identification Cards. We also sometime have a free week once a month, where you can icrease your visits up to twice a month. |
Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Morgan Park - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60643 773.881.6900 |
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Liberty In Christ Center - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60623 773.247.7331 |
Details: We firmly believe that feeding the poor is a Biblical mandate for all Christians. Liberty Center is our primary food distribution center. Based in the Little Village Neighborhood in South West Chicago, the food pantry is open to distribute food and hope to the neighborhood. Last year our pantry distributed 52 tons of food and so far we have used over $25,000 of food. We also distribute blankets and baby clothing as it is donated. Most of the food we distribute is purchased for pennies on the dollar at the Greater Chicago Food Depository. We gladly accept in kind donations of canned and boxed goods. However, given the ability to purchase canned goods, fresh fruits, and frozen meats so inexpensively, a dollar donated goes farther than a dollar spent on a food and then donated. HOURS: Tuesday; Wednesday and Saturday: 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm SERVICE AREA: N: Cermak Rd – S: 38th, E: Western Ave – W: Cicero Ave (Little Village) |
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago - Casa Catalina Basic Human Needs Center Chicago, IL 60609 773.376.9425 |
Details: Catholic Charities sees the face of God in those in need. By providing food, clothing, shelter and counseling, we bring hope to the hopeless in the city of Chicago and its suburbs. |
United Baptist Church - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60624 773.722.4357 |
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New Day Ministries International - Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60619 773.840.3074 |
Details: Food Pantry for the needy every Friday from 12pm - 2pm |
Triedstone Full Gospel Baptist Church - Harvest for the World Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60643 773.881.7710 |
Details: Our mission, calls for us to gather and distribute nutritious and appetizing food products to feed both individuals and families. The prevalence of hunger or food insecure households remains a major social problem within our society. April 27, 2012, according to Feeding America - More than 807,000 people in Cook County, 15.6 percent of the county's population, were food insecure during 2010. In 2013 we at Triedstone serviced over 40,000. This is a awesome accomplishment thanks to the suppport of our volunteers. This year, please consider helping us to continue to impact the lives of individuals of families: Fridays from 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM & Saturdays from 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM |
Covenant Faith Church of God - Shared Manna Food Pantry Chicago, IL 60628 773.568.2685 |
Details: The Shared Manna Food Pantry is dedicated to the cause of alleviating hunger throughout our community by distributing food without discrimination. Food distribution: 3rd Friday of every month, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. |
ICNA Relief - ROGERS PARK FOOD PANTRY Chicago, IL 60659 844.414.4862 |
Our food pantry is located in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. We typically serve over 100 families per week at the Chicago location. We provide assistance in feeding the needs of this thriving northside community, as well as improving the lives of hundreds of people. The population we serve varies from newly arrived immigrants, to more established individuals in the community- working with over 14 different nationalities. We stress love, humility, compassion, and respect, when working with others. The individuals who walk through our doors are our neighbors, our community members, our fellow human beings. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?