Illinois Food Pantry >> Chicago Food Assistance >> Lakeview Pantry East

  • Name: Lakeview Pantry East
  • Address: 3831 N. Broadway St.
  • City: Chicago, IL 60613
  • Phone: 773.525.1777
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Lakeview Pantry is one of Chicago’s largest food pantries. Our mission is to eliminate hunger and poverty in our community by: providing food to fill the basic need of hungry people; increasing the independence of our clients through self-help initiatives and other innovative programs; and raising awareness of hunger and poverty and working towards solutions to eliminate them. Opened in 1970, Lakeview Pantry is one of the longest-lived food pantries in Chicago. It originated from the efforts of a few dedicated neighbors who wanted to help people in their community who were struggling to secure the food they needed. We provide on-site food distribution, deliver food to home-bound clients, distribute free clothing, and have a social services program that helps clients connect with other services they need to address the causes of food insecurity. Our food distribution hours are: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12-4. You may drop off donations Monday – Friday, 9-5.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?