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Shepherd's HOPE - Food Pantry
- Name: Shepherd's HOPE - Food Pantry
- Address: 5732 South Lowe Ave
- City: Chicago, IL 60621
- Phone: 773.846.9494
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: On March 3, 2009 a ministry was birthed that the Lord appropriately named Shepherd’s HOPE. Beginning with feeding a homeless man a homemade lunch followed by a series of events, the Lord prompted the founder Brian Anderson to open a food pantry in the dangerous and devastated Englewood community of Chicago. With 3 drug food pantryhouses on the block and constant violence on the street, the Lord used this little 1000 square foot food pantry to rock the lives of many individuals and turn their block and community upside down. Great change has occurred in our community since Shepherd’s Hope opened its doors. Violence has significantly decreased and the drug activity that was so prevalent is greatly diminished. A real sense of community is developing as we serve and show respect to all who enter the doors of Shepherd’s HOPE. From the very beginning, we gave ownership of the food pantry to the community. Nearly all of our volunteers are also clients who live near the pantry. In addition to providing food, we are working to mentor, train and raise HOPE for the residents of this community. Much of that goal is realized through the daily tasks at the pantry.
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How Food Banks Work: A Step-by-Step Guide to Their Operation The Role and Importance of Food Banks in the Community