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New Hope Community Food Pantry
- Name: New Hope Community Food Pantry
- Address: 7115 W. Hood Ave.
- City: Chicago, IL 60631
- Phone: 773.775.1215
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: The New Hope Community Food Pantry is an emergency food pantry serving zip codes 60630, 60631, 60646, and 60656 on the Northwest Side of Chicago. We have been a volunteer-driven and volunteer-run organization since November 2004. Our volunteers make it possible to serve as many people as necessary each week. Their commitment to creating a community where everyone is treated with respect and dignity permeates everything NHCFP undertakes. We provide a three to four day supply of food to eligible families in need once per month. We seek to provide all that is needed for a well-balanced diet, although we recognize that the food we are able to distribute is only meant to supplement -not provide -all the household's needs. We refer clients who have additional and specific needs to other available resource providers, give clients some training in nutrition and budgeting, and educate the community about hunger in our area and in the world. Hours of Operation: Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m.
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