Illinois Food Pantry >> Chicago Food Assistance >> St. Mary of the Lake Parish - Hagerty Center Food Pantry

  • Name: St. Mary of the Lake Parish - Hagerty Center Food Pantry
  • Address: 4220 N Sheridan Rd.
  • City: Chicago, IL 60613
  • Phone: 773.525.8610
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: The Hagerty Center, which was originally constructed to serve as a convent and presently houses the volunteers of Amate House, now functions most notably as the site for the St. Mary of the Lake Food Pantry, operated by the St. Mary of the Lake conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in partnership with our sharing parish, Immaculate Conception (on Talcott Avenue). Every two weeks pantry staff pick up a large amount of food for our pantry. That food is distributed to the needy in our parish on Wednesday and Friday Mornings. The conference also works with the Food Depository of Greater Chicago to supply food to feed the hungry of this neighborhood. Our dedicated team Andres and Juan make weekly trips to the depository.

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