Illinois Food Pantry >> Chicago Food Assistance >> Benton House - Food Pantry

  • Name: Benton House - Food Pantry
  • Address: 3034 S Gratten Ave
  • City: Chicago, IL 60608
  • Phone: 773.927.6420
  • Website:
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  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: In order to address food insecurity in our community, Benton House partners with the Greater Chicago Food Depository to provide a community food pantry in the Bridgeport neighborhood. The Food Pantry takes place in Benton House’s Pearse Gymnasium and newly renovated Ramova Room, at 3034 S Gratten ave. Our Food Pantry distribution occurs Fridays from 12 Noon until 2 pm. Our resources allow us to give families one full box of food per month; items including, but not limited to: fresh produce (fruit & vegetables), meat, bread, grains (pasta & rice), dairy items, and an assortment of canned items. While we do not turn anyone away, it is strongly encouraged to have a valid ID or other proof of residency upon registration. This helps us to know how often folks are attending our food pantry and which areas of the Bridgeport community are being served.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?