Food Banks >> Iowa Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Iowa

Amazing Grace Ministries & Outreach Church - Emergency Food & Clothing Pantry
Des Moines, IA 50310
Details: The Emergency Food Pantry is available to you once every 30 days as needed. Open Saturdays from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Atlantic Church Of God Of Prophecy - Bread of Life Food Pantry
Atlantic, IA 50022
Details: OPEN SUNDAYS ONLY 11 AM - 12:30 PM
Boone Open Bible Church - Food Pantry
Boone, IA 50036
Details: Our food pantry provides food for people in need. Our hours are: Mondays 9:00 a.m. - noon, Tuesdays 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., Wednesdays 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Countryside Vineyard Church - Pantry
Evansdale, IA 50707
Details: The Pantry is a ministry to help any individuals or families who are having a hard time making ends meet financially. We offer food and sometimes have clothing and household items for assistance. The Pantry is open to the public from 10:00 am - 11:30 am every other Saturday at the church in the Pantry Area (3467 Lafayette Rd, Evansdale).
Creative Visions - The Food Pantry
Des Moines, IA 50314
Details: Creative Visions Human Development Institute, Inc has partnered with the Iowa Food Bank, a member of the nation’s food bank network. Our Tuesday and Thursday Food Pantry donates a box (about 40 lbs) of various healthful food items to approximately 25 qualifying families weekly. The need is growing as many call each week who have never found themselves in need of a pantry before.
Eastside Church of the Nazarene - Mercy Ministry Food Pantry
Des Moines, IA 50317
Details: Eastside Church of the Nazarene is reaching out to those in our nearby community who are facing a food emergency. In order to effectively help many families and individuals in need of food assistance, the Church Board has adopted the following policy and procedures. 1. People who are currently living in the 50316 or 50317 zip code areas may receive assistance for emergency food. Food Pantry assistance is available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings only. 2. Assistance is BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. There will be NO WALK INS. You must call the church office, 265-6000, at 9:00 AM on Food Pantry days to make an appointment. Calls received for the Food Pantry on the answering machine will not be returned. 3. We are able to assist a limited number of families each Tuesday or Thursday. If our appointments fill up, you may be asked to call back on the next Food Pantry day. All appointments are made on a first call, first served basis. 4. Some personal information will be requested during the phone call. Food boxes will be prepared according to the information given. Each box will contain a variety of food items to cover meals for approximately 3-4 days. Some non-food items may be available as we have the opportunity to purchase them. 5. Please limit your requests for assistance to once every 90 days (3 months). The congregation of this church provides the funding for the food and wants to serve those who have a need. The Food Pantry cannot be used as a regular food source. 6. When you arrive for your appointment we will require you to have with you a photo ID of yourself and a proof of residence (your recent utility bill or other business mail with your name and address). Identification of the members of your household should also be provided.
First Presbyterian Food Pantry
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Details: The First Presbyterian Food Pantry was established in the Spring of 2012. We opened our doors to our neighbors in our community the first Wednesday of May and served over 60 families the first month. Since then the numbers of families requesting assistance has grown substantially. We strive to meet each need with Christ-like compassion, respect and dignity. The Food Pantry is directed by three dedicated church members as well as a wealth of member volunteers. We feel blessed to have this opportunity to show God’s love to those around us. Our hours of operation are the first Thursday of every month from 3:00-5:30. Please enter through the west side of the church on Marion Street to register and receive information.
House of Faith - Church Pantry
Des Moines, IA 50317
Details: We offer a food pantry for those who attend House of Faith. FREE groceries, personal hygiene and various household items are offered to families after service on their designated Sunday. The church store is open on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, immediately following service. A schedule is posted in the church that lists all church families and their day to “shop”.
Lamoni Food Pantry
Lamoni, IA 50140
Details: The Lamoni Food Pantry was started by the local Ministerial Alliance as they saw a need to provide food support for families in the Lamoni area. Non-perishable food items were collected from the churches and community. The churches provided funds for a $10 Hy-Vee food coupon that was given out to provide help with perishable items the family might need in addition to the non-perishable items they received from the Pantry. The Pantry was housed in one of the local churches. The local Community of Christ Church, Baptist and Methodist churches have all at one time or another had the responsibility for the Pantry. In the summer of 2008, the Food Pantry moved from the Baptist Church to the Lamoni United Methodist Church. The Pantry was housed in the church kitchen until October of 2008 when the church Board allocated a room in the basement of the church so the Pantry could expand to allow families to shop for their food instead of being given pre-packaged sacks of food. With grant monies from the United Methodist Church the Pantry was able to buy paint, shelving, 2 freezers and a refrigerator. The new freezers and refrigerator facilitated the ability to give out meats and occasionally items such as milk, cheese, eggs and orange juice. Since the move, the Pantry leadership has under gone a change from an executive director (who ran the day-to-day operation and reported back to the local Ministerial Alliance) to a 12 member Board which now has oversight for running the Pantry. The Pantry applied for and received a 501(c)3 non-profit status from the federal government in 2010. At the time of the move to the church basement we were serving 6 families a month. Since then the number of families using the Pantry has grown significantly. In 2012 we had 734 visits from area families, averaging 61 family visits per month. In January of 2013, 83 families visited the Pantry representing 223 individuals.
Linn Community Food Bank
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Details: The Linn Community Food Bank is an all-volunteer organization, led by an all-volunteer working Board of Directors, and supported entirely by donations. Linn Community Food Bank is incorporated with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, tax-deductible status. The Linn Community Food Bank provides a 3 day emergency supply of food to families in need on a first come/first served basis. A family may visit the Food Bank up to 12 times a year. The Linn Community Food Bank is located in the lower level of the First Presbyterian Church
Osceola Full Gospel Church - Food Pantry
Osceola, IA 50213
Details: Our food pantry is located at Osceola Full Gospel Church (700 Colorado Street), just behind Farm and Home. We are here for you every Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. We have vegetables and bread every Tuesday as well as canned and frozen goods that are available every third Tuesday. If you are in need please come and see us, we want to help you.
Our Savior's Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Details: Call 712-322-6655 for appointment. Thursday's 11:00AM - 3:00PM. Call between 9:30AM - 11:00AM for appointment that day; 4th Friday of Month 5:00PM - 7:00PM. Call between 4:00PM - 5:00PM for appointment that day.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Des Moines, Iowa - Food Pantry
Des Moines, IA 50314
Details: The Des Moines council’s food pantry, located on the second floor of 1426 Sixth Ave., Des Moines, operates Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. It is open to anyone who needs food for themselves or family. The food pantry also strives to stock diapers, health and hygiene products for those in need, but these items are not always in stock. People seeking food pantry assistance can schedule an appointment in person at 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday. (Individuals are strongly encouraged to arrive by 7:50 a.m. to ensure their place in line.) Social services staff will schedule an appointment for later that same day. Those who would need to receive food during one of the two evening food pantries are encouraged to schedule an appointment by calling 282-8328 and asking for the Social Services Department. However, the food pantry is also available without an appointment between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to those facing an emergency. Those individuals may seek help in person by coming to 1426 Sixth Ave., and asking to speak to the Social services staff.
Spirit Life Fellowship Church - God's Provision Food Pantry
Spirit Lake, IA 51360
Details: The food pantry is open to anyone who is going through a difficult time in life and needs help with food. Sometimes we have toiletries items as well. Please remember that our ministry is for those who are in need. When: 2nd & 4th Saturday every month, Time: 8:00-10:00 A.M., Where: Spirit Life Fellowship Church
Tama Meskwaki Celebration Assembly of God - Emergency Food Pantry/Free Community Meal
Tama, IA 52339
Details: Emergency food pantry: Monday thru Thursday 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Open to all in need of food; Free Community Meal Monday: 4:30 PM