Iowa Food Banks >> Waukee Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Waukee IA

Waukee Area Christian Food Pantry
Waukee, IA 50263
Details: The Waukee Area Christian Food Pantry is a non-profit outreach ministry sponsored by area Waukee churches. As a community of faith, this organization is united in sharing God’s love with those in need by providing assistance and linking them with resources that will enable them to become healthier in mind, body and spirit. The pantry’s mission is to provide non-perishable food and personal items to meet short term needs to those living in the Waukee School District or those with approval from any supporting church. Patrons will be asked to fill out a short form and go through a quick interview process which includes verification of residence (photo ID and copy of utility bill). Food and personal items will be given based on availability and family size. Services are confidential and private. Non-perishable food and personal items are donated through local churches, individuals and businesses. The product is then redistributed to individuals and families in need. How can I get help? Applicants must live in the Waukee School District; No appointment is necessary. Stop by during our office hours: (Monday 4-6 pm & Thursday 9-11 am); Bring proof of residence (like a utility bill or apartment lease) and a photo ID; Services are confidential and private.

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Question by User (5 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?