North Carolina Food Banks >> Sanford Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Sanford NC

Five N Two Food Pantry
Sanford, NC 27332
Details: The Five N Two relies on the generosity of those in our community. Through a variety of means, God provides food and monetary donations to keep the pantry stocked. Here are some of the ways in which God has provided for us: Every day, we have a food truck that makes runs to different grocery stores in our area. These stores provide us with fruits, vegetables, meats, and other foods. We purchase food at a drastically reduced rate from Second Harvest Food Bank. Several times a year, we organize fundraisers in the community. Individuals come into the pantry every week to make donations. Some individuals give money and others donate food items. Different organizations in our area put together food drives or fundraisers in our honor. It takes the entire community for the pantry to meet the needs of those around us. We are so thankful to the organizations and individuals that support the ministry.
BreadBasket of Sanford
Sanford, NC 27330
Details: In 1989, a group of people - mostly from St. Thomas Episcopal Church - wanted to start a program to feed needy people in Lee County. After much planning, The Breadbasket opened its doors in September 1990. In 1991, 8,358 plates were served. The menu consisted of soup and sandwiches. As time passed, the meal became more of a home-cooked-style meal, which today consists of at least one meat, two vegetables, usually a salad, tea and dessert. Through generous donations from individuals, churches and businesses, an 1,800-square-foot building with industrial cooking equipment was opened on East Chisholm Street in 2002, where we now operate.
Christian Faith Ministries Food Pantry
Sanford, NC 27332
Details: The mission of the Food Pantry at CFM is to distribute food to those in need and to do so in a kind and compassionate way without judgment or bias towards those who receive. Food is distributed to individuals and families in proportion to their needs with minimal rules and paperwork. Please contact the church to schedule an appointment so that we may help to meet your needs.
Christians United Outreach Center of Lee County
Sanford, NC 27331
Details: The purpose of this organization is to:'…do what is required of us - to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God' (Micah 6:8). Meeting people at their point of need, following the example of Christ. We strive to develop, implement and maintain programs which provide for physical, spiritual, and other needs while assisting clients to become less "aid dependent." We offer follow-up care through a local church family at any of our participating congregations. In February 2003, members of Jonesboro United Methodist Church clearly saw the need in the community for a food pantry and other services that would meet persons in crisis at their points of need; further, that this outreach could become a faith-based, cooperative effort among all churches of Lee County. CUOCLC (Christians United Outreach Center of Lee County) received 501(c)(3) recognition by the IRS as a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization effective October 19, 2004. December 3, 2007, CUOCLC moved from its offices on Trade Street (in Jonesboro) to its present location, 2885 Lee Avenue, a 12,000 sq. ft. facility. CUOCLC grew from a client base of 150 households in 2004 to 9,308 households at the end of calendar 2015...and the client base continually grows (9,500 households as of May 2016). Well over 60 member churches and more than 120 businesses, organizations and groups currently support CUOCLC by providing volunteers, food, funds, and prayers. During calendar 2015, CUOCLC distributed 454,972 pounds of food in 9,126 boxes. Financial-pledge assistance was provided to 250 client-households totaling $25,052.69 - pledged primarily toward electric utilities and natural-gas bills. Over 369 households received free clothing and/or household items. Approximately 50 prom dresses were distributed to young women who otherwise could not have secured a prom dress. CUOCLC serves persons at their point of emergency need during the following hours: Mondays: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Wednesdays: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm, Fridays 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
New Birth Nondenominational Church Food Pantry
Sanford, NC 27332
Details: 1st and 3rd Saturdays 10am - 12noon
New Life Praise Food Pantry
Sanford, NC 27330
Details: Our desire is to provide as the Lord directs to those that find themselves in a time of need. What we do in service is all to the Glory of the Lord who richly provides for us and commands us to show favor to those around us in need physically and spiritually with the love of Christ Jesus.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?