North Carolina Food Pantry >> Sanford Food Assistance >> Five N Two Food Pantry

  • Name: Five N Two Food Pantry
  • Address: 17247 NC 27 W
  • City: Sanford, NC 27332
  • Phone: 919.499.1668
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served: Harnett
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: The Five N Two relies on the generosity of those in our community. Through a variety of means, God provides food and monetary donations to keep the pantry stocked. Here are some of the ways in which God has provided for us: Every day, we have a food truck that makes runs to different grocery stores in our area. These stores provide us with fruits, vegetables, meats, and other foods. We purchase food at a drastically reduced rate from Second Harvest Food Bank. Several times a year, we organize fundraisers in the community. Individuals come into the pantry every week to make donations. Some individuals give money and others donate food items. Different organizations in our area put together food drives or fundraisers in our honor. It takes the entire community for the pantry to meet the needs of those around us. We are so thankful to the organizations and individuals that support the ministry.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?