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BreadBasket of Sanford
- Name: BreadBasket of Sanford
- Address: 140 E Chisholm St.
- City: Sanford, NC 27330
- Phone: 919.774.3118
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served: Lee
- Basic Programs:
- Description: In 1989, a group of people - mostly from St. Thomas Episcopal Church - wanted to start a program to feed needy people in Lee County. After much planning, The Breadbasket opened its doors in September 1990. In 1991, 8,358 plates were served. The menu consisted of soup and sandwiches. As time passed, the meal became more of a home-cooked-style meal, which today consists of at least one meat, two vegetables, usually a salad, tea and dessert. Through generous donations from individuals, churches and businesses, an 1,800-square-foot building with industrial cooking equipment was opened on East Chisholm Street in 2002, where we now operate.
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