Michigan Food Banks >>
Lansing Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Lansing MI
Greater Lansing Food Bank Lansing, MI 48906 517.853.7800 |
Details: The Greater Lansing Food Bank is a non-profit organization that provides emergency food to individuals and families in need in Ingham, Eaton, Clinton, Shiawassee, Clare, Isabella and Gratiot counties. Food is distributed through an extensive network of food pantries and community kitchens located throughout the region. The Food Bank annually serves tens of thousands of people, many of them seniors and children. Our recipients also include the “working poor,†those individuals who are employed but don’t earn enough to meet housing, health, transportation and food needs. |
Christ Lutheran Church Soup Kitchen Lansing, MI 48912 517.482.2252 |
Details: The "soup kitchen" at Christ Lutheran church has been assisting with serving the needs of the Lansing community for some time. Seeking to provide assistance when other churches or charities were not open, the kitchen serves an important need of "carrying a cup of hot soup (or other good food) in Jesus' name to those in need. Soup Kitchen Hours: Saturdays from 11:30am to 1:30pm |
Immaculate Heart of Mary Soup Kitchen Lansing, MI 48910 517.393.3030 |
Details: Immaculate Heart of Mary offers a free meal to support those in need in our community. The meal is served on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 2:00 to 3:00 pm in the Parish Family Center. We have been blessed to have many volunteers to support this outreach. |
City of Lansing Mobile Food Pantry Lansing, MI 48910 517.483.4477 |
Details: City of Lansing Human Relations and Community Services Department & the Greater Lansing Food Bank announces the Mobile Food Pantry! The Mobile Food Pantry will be distributing FREE, fresh, non-perishable food items. Who can participate? The disadvantaged and vulnerable; Senior citizens on fixed incomes; Families/individuals with limited or low income jobs. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BRING A VALID STATE IDENTIFICATION CARD OR DRIVER'S LICENSE. If you or someone you know must choose between buying food and filling prescriptions, please tell them about this important program. Participants should bring a box or bag to carry food. |
The Salvation Army Lansing Citadel Corps - Food Pantry Lansing, MI 48912 517.484.4424 |
Details: Households in need of food can receive assistance from one of two local Salvation Army Food Pantries one time each month, which may not be sufficient for some households. The amount of food each household receives is based on the number of individuals in the family/household. If you are in zip code areas 48912 or 48906 call the Citadel Corps at 484-4424 to make an appointment. If you are in zip code areas 48910 or 48911 call the South Corps at 394-6945 to make an appointment. You must have with you at the time of your appointment: Picture ID for all adults; Last 4 digits of social security number for everyone in the home; Medical cards or social security cards for children under 18; A piece of mail dated within 28 days that has Your name​, The correct address, A date within 28 days. Appointments are required! |
The Salvation Army Lansing South Corps - Food Pantry Lansing, MI 48910 517.394.6945 |
Details: Households in need of food can receive assistance from one of two local Salvation Army Food Pantries one time each month, which may not be sufficient for some households. The amount of food each household receives is based on the number of individuals in the family/household. If you are in zip code areas 48912 or 48906 call the Citadel Corps at 484-4424 to make an appointment. If you are in zip code areas 48910 or 48911 call the South Corps at 394-6945 to make an appointment. You must have with you at the time of your appointment: Picture ID for all adults; Last 4 digits of social security number for everyone in the home; Medical cards or social security cards for children under 18; A piece of mail dated within 28 days that has Your name​, The correct address, A date within 28 days. Appointments are required! |
Lansing Adventist Community Services Center Lansing, MI 48917 517.321.8238 |
Details: Our Community Service Center is in the red-brick building, located behind our church. We are open Wednesdays from 9am – 3pm and can be reached at 517-321-8238. Note: We do not allow pets of any kind in the service center. Assistance is normally given on an emergency basis. Every client must be interviewed before distributing clothing or food to establish their needs. You may be asked for information regarding your source of income and how much time elapses between income checks. A client with a referral from another agency (FIA/DHS/FOC, Red Cross, or another church) need not be interviewed except for the size of the family. Eligibility for assistance will also depend on whether the recipient is in the Lansing geographical area. All persons receiving clothing or food must be present at the center when distribution is made. All family members receiving goods must be present with the care giver to receive them. All children must live with the client. Extended family members should be treated as a separate client. You may be referred to another service center for assistance based on your location. To receive a food box or clothing, you will need a referral from the Greater Lansing Food Bank. Please contact them first at 517-887-5357. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, national origin, disability, or religion; therefore if a church has no poor fund or cannot help their own members adequately, they may refer them to the center. Adventist members and center volunteers may also become our clients and should abide by the rules of the center as any other client. We guarantee confidentiality to all our clients. |
LMTS Community Outreach Servcies Lansing, MI 48910 5178626011 |
Details: LMTS is a Pantry of choice open M-W 10am-3pmand Thursday 4-7 pm. LMTS also provides free mental health consultation and loves on each person who walks through the door. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?