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The Salvation Army Lansing Citadel Corps - Food Pantry
- Name: The Salvation Army Lansing Citadel Corps - Food Pantry
- Address: 525 N. Pennsylvania Ave
- City: Lansing, MI 48912
- Phone: 517.484.4424
- Website: http://salansing.org/
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: Households in need of food can receive assistance from one of two local Salvation Army Food Pantries one time each month, which may not be sufficient for some households. The amount of food each household receives is based on the number of individuals in the family/household. If you are in zip code areas 48912 or 48906 call the Citadel Corps at 484-4424 to make an appointment. If you are in zip code areas 48910 or 48911 call the South Corps at 394-6945 to make an appointment. You must have with you at the time of your appointment: Picture ID for all adults; Last 4 digits of social security number for everyone in the home; Medical cards or social security cards for children under 18; A piece of mail dated within 28 days that has Your name​, The correct address, A date within 28 days. Appointments are required!
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