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Lansing Adventist Community Services Center
- Name: Lansing Adventist Community Services Center
- Address: 5400 W. St. Joe Hwy
- City: Lansing, MI 48917
- Phone: 517.321.8238
- Website: http://www.lansingadventist.org/
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: Our Community Service Center is in the red-brick building, located behind our church. We are open Wednesdays from 9am – 3pm and can be reached at 517-321-8238. Note: We do not allow pets of any kind in the service center. Assistance is normally given on an emergency basis. Every client must be interviewed before distributing clothing or food to establish their needs. You may be asked for information regarding your source of income and how much time elapses between income checks. A client with a referral from another agency (FIA/DHS/FOC, Red Cross, or another church) need not be interviewed except for the size of the family. Eligibility for assistance will also depend on whether the recipient is in the Lansing geographical area. All persons receiving clothing or food must be present at the center when distribution is made. All family members receiving goods must be present with the care giver to receive them. All children must live with the client. Extended family members should be treated as a separate client. You may be referred to another service center for assistance based on your location. To receive a food box or clothing, you will need a referral from the Greater Lansing Food Bank. Please contact them first at 517-887-5357. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, national origin, disability, or religion; therefore if a church has no poor fund or cannot help their own members adequately, they may refer them to the center. Adventist members and center volunteers may also become our clients and should abide by the rules of the center as any other client. We guarantee confidentiality to all our clients.
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How Food Banks Work: A Step-by-Step Guide to Their Operation The Role and Importance of Food Banks in the Community