Food Banks >> Maryland Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Maryland

Adams Chapel AME Church Food Pantry
Baltimore, MD 21215
Apostolic House of Prayer Food Bank
Millersville, MD 21108
Details: Our Food Bank works in conjunction with the Anne Arundel County Coalition to end hunger and homelessness. We are operational every Wednesday at 8:30 pm. However, if someone has an emergency, our mission is to accommodate them. Food is available to all. You need not be a member of our church to receive food, just call 410-987-8460. Our mission is to assist ALL!
Asbury Broadneck United Methodist Church Food Pantry
Annapolis, MD 21409
Details: The food Pantry will be open each month on 2nd and 3rd Friday from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.
Asbury United Methodist Church Food Pantry
Annapolis, MD 21401
Details: Food Pantry: Tues, Wed, Fri 9:00 am
Beth-El Temple Church of Christ Soup Kitchen
Baltimore, MD 21215
Details: In verse 35 of the Gospel according to Matthew, it states, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. . .” The burden to feed the hungry fell on Missionary Roslyn Wright. On Wednesday, February 25, 2009, the Beth-El Temple Soup Kitchen became a reality. On this day, three people would enter through the doors to be fed with a staff of fifteen willing and ready to serve. On this day, more than just food was provided. . . clothes from the Clothing Closet were distributed, prayer and an encouraging words were imparted, information was provided for employment, medical and housing referrals and assistance as well as counselors for drug addiction. Considering most meals are prepared by the hands of our qualified and anointed staff , the soup kitchen have had several sponsors to assist with providing meals through actual meals or monetary donations. Such sponsors include Nehemiah House, Maryland Food Bank, St. Vincent DePaul, CanCan, Woodmere Neighborhood Association, McDonalds, Mother Corrine Pender (MCP) Helping Hands Ministry of Beth-El Temple Church of Christ, Mr. Bogus & Sister Felicia Lockett. On average, the soup kitchen will feed approximately fifty-five people per week. Since the soup kitchen has been in existence, they have fed over 2,500 people and counting
Bethany Baptist Church Food Pantry
Baltimore, MD 21230
Details: Mission: To provide nutritious meals once a week and distribute food monthly to individuals of the community who are in need.
Christian Liberty Church Food Pantry
Baltimore, MD 21215
Details: 1. Are you or someone you know in need of food? Christian Liberty Church offers both perishable and non-perishable food items to the members of CLC as well as to those in the community who are in need. Non-perishable food items such as canned goods, pastas etc. are available. 2. Every first Sunday of the month, we provide a free hot meal after Communion service. All are welcome! 3. Christian Liberty Church provides free bags of fresh bread which includes whole loaves, bagels, rolls, etc. each Sunday after service. 4. Fresh vegetables are distributed when available during the summer months on Sundays after service.
Community United Methodist Church Food Pantry
Pasadena, MD 21122
Details: Pantry Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Concord Baptist Church Food Pantry
Baltimore, MD 21207
Grace Lutheran Church - FISH Food Pantry
La Plata, MD 20646
Details: The FISH ministry at Grace provides 3 days of meals to families who are in crisis.
LaVale United Methodist Church
LaVale, MD 21502
Details: The Food Pantry is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. for Maryland residents. Identification is required for receiving 6 boxes of food a year.
LifeStyles of Maryland Foundation, Inc. - Samaritan Project
La Plata, MD 20646
Details: The Samaritan Project is a food and clothing program that is available to anyone in need. The food pantry is a non-perishable goods pantry available for anyone who requests food. LifeStyles is in constant need of non-perishable items such as: milk, eggs, bread, and baby formula. In addition to daily food distribution, we partner with other organizations and churches annually to provide over 2,100 families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with full food baskets. During the Christmas holiday, we also provide toys for families in need. When the holiday season approaches, we accept canned food and monetary donations. LifeStyles links those in need to the available services and funding available to provide them with the emergency assistance needed to provide healthy livelihoods and self-sufficiency. The Samaritan Project is a food and clothing program that is available to anyone in need. The food pantry offers groceries for anyone in need who requests food. Participants receive three days of food, which can include non-perishable canned and boxed goods, meat, fruit, and bakery items. Hygiene and baby products are also provided on an as-needed basis. The clothes closet, formally known as Sisters 4 You, was a professional clothing donation program strictly for women heading out into the workforce. Since the devastating tornado that struck La Plata in 2002, the clothing donation program grew into a closet for all members of the family who need clothing. The closet is open every weekday, and participants must show valid photo identification. The closet is stocked by donations from the community, and is staffed primarily by volunteers.
Manna Ministry of Greater Gethsemane Ministries
Baltimore, MD 21213
Details: Provides food to those in need.
Mt. Zion Baptist Church Soup Kitchen
Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Details: Mission Statement: To help physically and spiritually nurture God’s children that are financially and mentally struggling for a hopeful since of self worth and to be a pulse in the community by feeding the homeless and less fortunate and to fellowship with them to continue God’s blessing, so that his love runneth over.
Payne Memorial Outreach, Inc. - Food Pantry
Baltimore, MD 21217
Details: Based on the availability of food, distributions takes place the third Tuesday of each month from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon at Payne Memorial Outreach, Inc., 1701 Madison Avenue, Suite 315, Baltimore, MD 21217.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?