California Food Bank >> Sacramento Food Assistance >> Senior Gleaners Inc.

  • Name: Senior Gleaners Inc.
  • Address: 1951 Bell Avenue
  • City: Sacramento, CA 95838
  • Phone: 916.925.3240
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Senior Gleaners Inc. (Food Bank) began operations in Sacramento in 1976 when thirty like-minded seniors saw people going hungry while millions of pounds of un-harvested food were being wasted in farmers’ fields, orchards, and in people’s back yards. Together they began gleaning leftover fruits and vegetables and shared it with the poor. They quickly organized into a grassroots operation naming themselves Senior Gleaners. By December of that year those 30 seniors grew into an association of more than 900 volunteers gleaning produce from fields and orchards that otherwise would have spoiled. Soon thereafter, they formalized their mission statement and incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. By partnering with other charities to distribute food to people in need, Senior Gleaners Inc. (SGI) expanded its distribution area to service a total of twelve counties in Northern California. Senior Gleaners' mission is to collect and distribute surplus food for the hungry in our community. Our ultimate goal is to end hunger in the communities we serve.

Comment from Josh Narayan: We have a few pallets/crates with milk of various varieties(whole,2%,1% etc. with good dates on them.
Comment from James A Lynton: We are a non profit named City Lites Network Inc. We have a Co-OP of room and boards that are also looking to partner with a food distribution group to help bring down the costs of groceries for our homes. We are taking in women and men that are mentally ill and or homeless. This group can do more when expenses are cut. Please let us know if we can work together.

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Question by Madelyn (4 months ago): Greetings, I volunteer for a youth program in Natomas called the Greenhouse. We provide afterschool services, groups and tutoring your youth. I am interested in information on how to access Senior Gleanoer or the Food bank for snacks/food items to use for our afterschool program.  

Question by Linda Parel (5 months ago): Is there any way food can be brought to me in citrus heights. I don't have a car. Please let me know. Thank you 

Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?