California Food Banks >> Sacramento Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Sacramento CA

California Emergency Foodlink
Sacramento , CA 95828
Details: California Emergency Foodlink, Sacramento County’s Official Food Bank, was founded in 1992 with the mission of finding sensible solutions to hunger that effectively address its root causes: poverty and joblessness. To accomplish its mission, Foodlink has implemented a mission strategy of building better communities by providing jobs, preventing hunger and training for the future. At no charge to recipient agencies, Foodlink delivers more than 120 million pounds of food per year throughout California. Foodlink delivers government commodities from The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) as well as fresh produce collected under the statewide agricultural food rescue program, Donate-Don’t Dump (DDD). Through innovative programming and an intense desire to create change, Foodlink has been fighting hunger in California for nearly two decades. In 1994, Foodlink began using its warehousing and distribution capabilities to supplement Sacramento’s Interfaith Service Bureau making more food available to food banks and food closets in the Sacramento Area. The program has grown greatly over the years and today Sacramento Emergency Foodlink serves over 150 local agencies and food closets throughout the Sacramento community. Member agencies come to Sacramento Emergency Foodlink Monday through Thursdays to pick up food that they then distribute directly to the people. The food ranges from palettes of TEFAP commodities, food and non-food items from Feeding America, privately donated food, and a wide variety of fresh produce and grains from the Donate Don’t Dump (DDD) program. This food varies from day-to-day based on what is donated.
River City Food Bank
Sacramento, CA 95816
Details: River City Food Bank is the oldest, continuously serving food bank in Sacramento and the only Sacramento-area food bank open every week day to anyone experiencing hunger from anywhere in Sacramento County. RCFB offers a nutritionally-balanced 3-day emergency supply of food, as well as compassion…and hope.
Senior Gleaners Inc.
Sacramento, CA 95838
Details: Senior Gleaners Inc. (Food Bank) began operations in Sacramento in 1976 when thirty like-minded seniors saw people going hungry while millions of pounds of un-harvested food were being wasted in farmers’ fields, orchards, and in people’s back yards. Together they began gleaning leftover fruits and vegetables and shared it with the poor. They quickly organized into a grassroots operation naming themselves Senior Gleaners. By December of that year those 30 seniors grew into an association of more than 900 volunteers gleaning produce from fields and orchards that otherwise would have spoiled. Soon thereafter, they formalized their mission statement and incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. By partnering with other charities to distribute food to people in need, Senior Gleaners Inc. (SGI) expanded its distribution area to service a total of twelve counties in Northern California. Senior Gleaners' mission is to collect and distribute surplus food for the hungry in our community. Our ultimate goal is to end hunger in the communities we serve.
Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
Sacramento, CA 95817
Details: Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services is a local, non-profit agency committed to serving individuals and families in need. With a staff of 40 and a volunteer force of over 5,800, Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services provides free emergency goods and services to 25,000 unduplicated men, women and children each month. Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services provides a 5-day supply of emergency groceries to families in need, three days per week. In an effort to better move families toward self-sufficiency, grocery items such as fresh vegetables and fruit, grains and dairy are distributed instead of hot meals. 22,000 individuals receive an abundance of fresh groceries every month. Our quality groceries come from a variety of sources including donations from local grocery stores, organic farmers and the community. In order for our clients to feel empowered to use the goods they receive, food is distributed in a respectful and dignified manner. Set up like an open-air, farmers' market, individuals and families are invited to see the produce, enjoy samples, take suggested recipe, gather health and nutrition resources and ask questions about the items they are receiving. As with all of our programs, all goods and services are provided at no cost. In an effort to combat many of the health ailments facing families in our community, Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services partners with agencies to distribute health and nutrition information such as managing diabetes and combating obesity.
Sacramento Loaves & Fishes Dining Room
Sacramento, CA 95811
Details: Loaves & Fishes Dining Room serves a full course, home-cooked, noontime meal for 600-800 homeless guests every day. Over 1000 volunteers including church groups, company employee groups, service clubs and individuals alike, help serve our guests the only meal many of them will have all day. A separate dining room is available for women and children each morning for breakfast through the Loaves & Fishes Maryhouse Program. This meal is cooked and served by volunteers every day.
Southpointe Christian Center - Food Closet
Sacramento, CA 95823
Details: The Food Closet is an on-campus food pantry where people of all backgrounds come to receive fresh and frozen foods. Our pantry provides dairy products, paper and non-perishable items for our clients. Our supplies come from the Senior Gleaners, California Food Link and Costco, as well as many giving people who are part of the Southpointe Christian Center family. The Food Closet is staffed solely with dedicated volunteer workers. It is open every Monday morning from 7:30 – 10:00 am., supplying hundreds of people with groceries, helping them through tough times.
SSIP Food Closet
Sacramento, CA 95822
Details: Located at Bethany Presbyterian Church, the Food Closet serves families and individuals in need under the auspices of the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership, which was established in 1970 by clergy from south area congregations. The Food Closet serves needy families, individuals and homeless within the following zipcodes in the South Sacramento area: 95822, 95823, 95824, 95826, 95828, 95831, 95832. A person may receive food one time each month. Enough for 3 meals a day for 3 days is given to each person. The Food Closet is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. except on major holidays.
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church Food Closet
Sacramento, CA 95821
Details: The Food Closet was started in the 1970's in response to the growing needs of our community. We currently serve people with the 95815, 95821, 95608, and 95660 zip codes. We are a member of the Food Link system and collaborate with food closets from around Sacramento including River City Food Bank and El Camino Baptist Food Closet. The food we distribute comes from donations from the people of our community as well as other churches and several businesses. Maita Toyota, the Kiwanis Club, Panera Bread, St. Michael's of Carmichael, Trinity of Folsom, and Davies Ranch in Sloughhouse are all regular supporters. We often serve enough food to prepare over 9,000 meals in a month. Hours Of Service: Tuesdays & Thursday 10:00a.m.-11:30a.m.
New Hope Community Church
Sacramento, CA 95832

New Hope Community Church Offers "The Gift of Groceries" food pantry. People of all backgrounds are welcome. We provide dairy products, some meat and protein, canned goods and dry goods (beans and rice). We are a core agency of the Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services and authorized to distribute TEFAP (USDA) food. The food ministry is offered free of charge and is staffed 100% by volunteer workers. Food is distributed on Thursdays: Registrations begin at 7:00 am (get a number and sign in) and distributions begin at 1:00 pm. Distributions continue until about 4:00 pm or until the food runs out.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?