New Jersey Food Pantry >> Newark Food Assistance >> Pierre Toussaint Food Pantry

  • Name: Pierre Toussaint Food Pantry
  • Address: 520 Martin Luther King Blvd
  • City: Newark, NJ 07102
  • Phone: 973.792.5790
  • Website:
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  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Pierre Toussaint Food Panty has been serving the needy of Newark for the past 23 years. As an emergency food assistance program we offer food assistance at the end of each month to registered clients and of course we respond to emergency situations whenever we are able. As a member of the Catholic Charities MEND Food Network we endeavor to Meet Emergency Needs with Dignity. Each month we serve over 300 households - totaling over 700 men, women and children. We have seen an increase of those looking for assistance including the working poor, senior citizens and newly unemployed. We also have seen a decrease in our monthly government food commodities and private donations as well as an increase in the cost of food. Pantry Schedule: 3rd and 4th Fridays for Singles 10:00AM - Noon; 3rd and 4th Fridays for Families 10:00AM - Noon; Registration: 1st and 2nd Saturdays 11:30AM - 12:30 PM. Required for Registration: Referral Letter, Current ID, Proof of Income or Assistance, Verification of Children/dependants.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?