New Jersey Food Banks >> Newark Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Newark NJ

St. John’s Soup Kitchen
Newark, NJ 07102
Details: Because the love of God demands a love of neighbor, and because the faith which underlies true prayer demands good works, St. John’s from its earliest days has sought to meet the physical as well as the spiritual needs of the people in the area. Today, St. John’s is famous not so much as an historic site as it is for its good works: over 6,000,000 breakfasts and dinners have been served to hungry people, free exhibits are held for struggling artists and the city’s school children, and thousands of toys and books are distributed to other churches and charitable institutions at Christmas. In the past three years, we have opened a Medical Services Unit staffed by a full-time nurse and two volunteer doctors, and a separate Women and Children’s Center where they can eat in peace and safety. In addition, we run a weekly food pantry handing out over 100 bags of food to assist those in need. From its earliest days, St. John’s has been a beacon to the marginal people. From harboring frightened immigrants to feeding the hungry, St. John’s has never turned its back on anyone’s physical needs while always taking care of their spiritual needs. Everything we do has its roots in the gospel; to share what we have, and to reach out and help those who cannot help themselves; to show respect for everyone as if they were “another self”; to reach out and touch people with the love of God through the love of neighbor. St. John’s is supported by free-will donations. We do not receive government funds of any kind.
St. Ann’s Soup Kitchen
Newark, NJ 07103
Details: St. Ann’s Soup Kitchen is open 5 days per week and offers hot, home-cooked, nutritious meals prepared by a professional chef. Food preparation and service are aided by our volunteers, many of whom have built relationships with our clients over the years. The soup kitchen has become a hub for Franciscan Charities and its ministries with over a thousand people passing through its doors each week. 10:30am to 2:00pm, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday
St. Rocco’s Food Pantry
Newark, NJ 07103
Details: St. Rocco’s Food Pantry provides groceries to families in need the last two Saturdays of every month. The grocery bags are packed with ingredients to help assist with balanced meal planning. 9:00am to 1:30pm, every 3rd, 4th, and 5th Friday of each month
House of Love Soup Kitchen
Newark, NJ 07107
Details: The House of Love Soup Kitchen is a faith based organization that helps individuals who are experiencing hardship due to life circumstances. "This soup kitchen serves as a place of renewed strength and warm love in a world in which people may be overlooked and made to feel worthless on a daily basis." (Mark Harris). The House of Love Soup Kitchen was founded on July 15, 2008 by Church of God and Saints of Christ members Director Brother Toih Moncur and Rev. Michael Harris. The House of Love Soup Kitchen is staffed with four chefs, seven servers, two dish washers and eight members of the “clean-up” crew weekly. All members of the staff are volunteers from the community from local schools, community centers, and churches. The House of Love Soup Kitchen serves hot delicious meals to approximately 75-100 men, women, and children for two hours every Tuesday. New and used clothing is given out for all that are in need as well as other household items. The House of Love Soup Kitchen provides the following services to their clients: Hot, wholesome, and nutritious meals, served on site; New/Used season appropriate clothing; Prayer & Spiritual Guidance; Individualized Counseling; Referrals to various non-profit/for profit social service agencies; “Care Packages” consisting of perishable and non-perishable foods.
UCC Food Pantry
Newark, NJ 07103
Details: Our food pantry opens on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 AM during the last half of the month, when customers may have already exhausted their supply of food stamps. Each food package includes a three-day supply of non-perishables. UCC receives donations of food and makes its purchases through the Community Food Bank of New Jersey and other community partners. All clients must register prior to receiving food supplies and packages.
NJCRI Food Pantry
Newark, NJ 07103
Details: The NJCRI food pantry adds to our clients' quality of life. Much of the food distributed through our food pantry is donated by caring individuals, businesses, houses of worship, and other organizations. A large percentage of the food we distribute comes from the New Jersey Food Bank. On occasion, we purchase fresh produce from a local wholesaler and make it available to our clients.
Pierre Toussaint Food Pantry
Newark, NJ 07102
Details: Pierre Toussaint Food Panty has been serving the needy of Newark for the past 23 years. As an emergency food assistance program we offer food assistance at the end of each month to registered clients and of course we respond to emergency situations whenever we are able. As a member of the Catholic Charities MEND Food Network we endeavor to Meet Emergency Needs with Dignity. Each month we serve over 300 households - totaling over 700 men, women and children. We have seen an increase of those looking for assistance including the working poor, senior citizens and newly unemployed. We also have seen a decrease in our monthly government food commodities and private donations as well as an increase in the cost of food. Pantry Schedule: 3rd and 4th Fridays for Singles 10:00AM - Noon; 3rd and 4th Fridays for Families 10:00AM - Noon; Registration: 1st and 2nd Saturdays 11:30AM - 12:30 PM. Required for Registration: Referral Letter, Current ID, Proof of Income or Assistance, Verification of Children/dependants.
Bethany Baptist Church Food Pantry & Clothes Closet
Newark, NJ 07103
Details: Hours Of Operation: Monday & Thursday ONLY - 11AM-1PM; We require all clients to have a referral in order to receive services; and we accept referrals from all community based agencies and institutions, both public and private. Realizing that it is sometimes difficult to get and utilize a referral on the same day it was given, we will gladly honor a referral for any time during the month it was written. Clients may draw food from the Pantry only ONCE a month. Clients must have a referral and a picture ID each time they come. Food is distributed based on family size. If the client fails to produce necessary documents, it may result in the denial of services. We realize, however, that there may be extenuating circumstances, so each case will be determined on an individual basis. Bethany's Food Pantry will attempt to honor all food requests based on religious and health needs; however, given our limited supplies, we many not always be able to make substitutions. In those cases, we will simply remove those offending items from the client's bags. Clients should be aware that it is the Pantry administration's right to determine what, if any, type(s) of services shall be rendered.
House Of Mercy Mission
Newark, NJ 07103
Details: The Food Pantry usually distributes food packages on the third and forth Saturday of every month, whereas on these days we sign up around 10am till 11:45am and ask for a picture ID: the distribution of the food packages begins around 1pm after our church service. Emergency food packages are available with preferably a food referral and an appointment. The Soup Kitchen offers great meals and fellowship on Thanksgiving and Christmas, usually on the Saturday prior to these Holidays.
The Willing Heart Community Care Center
Newark, NJ 07103
Details: The Willing Heart Community Care Center is a non-profit organization supported by caring volunteers, working to provide a healthy environment. The Willing Heart Community Care Center’s mission is to deliver services that support the individual’s quest for a Healthy Environment. Hours: Agape Meal- Dinner: Tuesday 4:30 - 6:30pm; Breakfast: 3rd Saturday 8:30 - 10am; Agape Food Pantry - Tuesday 10 - 12 noon
Blessed Sacrament St. Charles Borromeo - Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen
Newark, NJ 07108
Details: The Food Pantry provides food to families in our community monthly, every 3rd and 4th Tuesday and Saturday. Mrs. Blanche Macklin is the Coordinator. The Hot Meals Ministry provides home cooked meals and spiritual empowerment to the poor in our community monthly every 4th Sunday. Mrs. Stephanie Williams is the coordinator.
Clear View Food Pantry
Newark, NJ 07112
Details: Located in the old church facility Garage area. Hours: Mondays 11am - 2pm; 2nd & 4th Wednesdays 3pm - 6pm The Clear View food pantry is a partner agency with the Community Food Bank of New Jersey.
Clear View Soup Kitchen
Newark, NJ 07112
Details: Every Fourth Saturday of the Month come out and join us
First Hopewell Baptist Church Food Pantry
Newark, NJ 07107
Details: We are a mission based church focused on serving the community and teaching the Word of God. Food pantry hours: Every Wednesday at 8:00 am
MEND - Apostles House
Newark, NJ 07014
Details: Meeting Emergency Needs With Dignity (MEND) is an interfaith network of 16 food pantries located throughout Essex County, NJ. Hours: Families: M, W, F: 9am-12pm; 1-3pm; Seniors: Fri: 9am-12pm, 1-3pm
MEND - Elizabeth Ave. Presbyterian Church
Newark, NJ 07112
Details: Meeting Emergency Needs With Dignity (MEND) is an interfaith network of 16 food pantries located throughout Essex County, NJ. Hours: Every Thurs: 9:30-10:30am (By appointment with reference)
MEND - Roseville Presbyterian Church
Newark, NJ 07107
Details: Meeting Emergency Needs With Dignity (MEND) is an interfaith network of 16 food pantries located throughout Essex County, NJ. Hours: 2nd & 4th Mon of every month
St. James Social Service Corporation - Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen
Newark, NJ 07102
Details: The Emergency Food Pantry, which supports the weekday-feeding program, operates daily and is staffed by volunteers. Those in need are eligible to receive groceries for 6 meals per family size once a month. The package generally includes freshly frozen meat; canned goods; dry staple items, baby food and milk when needed. Annually, more than 8,000 families receive emergency packages. The food pantry is one of the largest providers of food in Essex County by distributing more than 100,000 meals annually. The Christian Cafe Daily Feeding Program operates Monday through Friday and serves an average of 100 people per day. Run solely by dedicated volunteers, the meals are nutritious, and well balanced. The soup kitchen was featured on the Food Network's Restaurant Impossible where celebrity Chef Robert Irvin and his team renovated the kitchen and dining room.
Bessie Green Community "The Red Door"
Newark, NJ 07102

Located in the North Reformed Church, Bessie Green serves breakfast and lunch on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Its clothing barn is open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. No referrals are needed for the soup kitchen or clothing barn. It's food pantry is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Clients must have an initial referral and are allowed ONE bag of food per month. There is also a mobile market on Fridays from 1pm to 2:30 pm. No referral is needed.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?