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Black Creek Methodist Church - FOOD BRIDGE
- Name: Black Creek Methodist Church - FOOD BRIDGE
- Address: 3925 Main St.
- City: Middleburg, FL 32068
- Phone: 904.282.5589
- Website: http://www.blackcreekmethodist.org
- Contact Email: foodbridge@blackcreekmethodist.org
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs: We are located at 3925 Main Street, Middleburg, FL 32068, in the Budington Building. The Food Bridge is open every Thursday morning from 7:30 am - 10:30 am. We are a drive through distribution and you need to be registered and approved before you come. You can register online. Go to blackcreekmethodist.org and click on the Food Bridge App on the left hand side. Complete the application and you will receive a text letting you know if you have been approved. Please be aware that you have to enter an ID for everyone in your family even if they are children. A school ID or birth certificate will be accepted. If approved you can come every other week and your application is good for one year.
- Description: We are located at 3925 Main Street, Middleburg, FL 32068, in the Budington Building. The Food Bridge is open every Thursday morning from 7:30 am - 10:30 am. We are a drive through distribution and you need to be registered and approved before you come. You can register online. Go to blackcreekmethodist.org and click on the Food Bridge App on the left hand side. Complete the application and you will receive a text letting you know if you have been approved. Please be aware that you have to enter an ID for everyone in your family even if they are children. A school ID or birth certificate will be accepted. If approved you can come every other week and your application is good for one year.
- Business Hours: 730am-1030am every Thursday
- Volunteer Information: Our Food Bridge volunteers have been SUPER busy helping the needy in our community. In order to continue, we are needing more servant volunteers to help us in this much needed mission of our church. We need help not only with boxed or canned goods, but with volunteer servants who are willing to come in to the Budington building to help as we receive food daily, store it, and get it ready to hand out to the needy each Thursday morning as they line up in their cars on Main St.
- Volunteer Link: https://blackcreekmethodist.org/outreach/food-bridge
- Apply For Help Url: https://blackcreekmethodist.org/outreach/food-bridge
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How Food Banks Work: A Step-by-Step Guide to Their Operation The Role and Importance of Food Banks in the Community