Maryland Soup Kitchen/Holiday Meals/Case Management >> Baltimore Food Assistance >> Manna House, Inc.

  • Name: Manna House, Inc.
  • Address: 435 East 25th Street
  • City: Baltimore, MD 21218
  • Phone: 410.889.3001
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Manna House began serving the poor and homeless of Baltimore as Midtown Churches Community Association. (MCCA) in 1967. Since the inception of the agency we have embraced the holistic approach for providing services. Tending to the clients physical, emotional, and/or spiritual needs is part of this approach. Every client is different and struggling with the different hurdles which are in front of them. Some are struggling with the poverty that they are living in and many have additional struggles dealing with mental illness, homelessness, drug addiction, HIV/AIDS, abuse, as well as other stressors. The Drop-In-Center provides services beginning with the morning meal from 8.00 to 10:15 am daily and continues from 11:30 a.m. until 4 p.m (Monday through Friday). We serve an average of 176 men, women and children everyday. The meal we serve may be eggs, potatoes, oatmeal, fruit and coffee, or it may be chicken cordon blue with all the trimmings. The menu is largely dependant on the donations that we receive. During the Drop-In-Center hours, many services are provides. Among other services, clients are given access to a phone to make important phone calls, given the chance to fill out a clothing form to request a bag of clothes (clothes which have been donated to Manna House and sorted by volunteers), given the chance to take a nice warm shower with toiletries provided, provided with food vouchers to a local food pantry, assisted with applying for birth certificates/ID's, assistance with completing paperwork, given bus tokens for documented appointments, and access to case management. Many clients just need someone who will listen to them, without being judgmental . . . that can be the biggest service of them all!

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?