California Food/Clothing/Other Assistance >> San Diego Food Assistance >> Horizon Urban Ministries

  • Name: Horizon Urban Ministries
  • Address: 590 Fir Street
  • City: San Diego, CA 92101
  • Phone: 619.236.8150
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: HUM aids the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of urban residents by offering food, clothing, resources, acceptance, and love. Through service and love HUM is able to embrace individuals and lead them into a relationship with God. We love people in practical ways, share the gospel in ordinary ways and disciple in radical ways. Food and Raiment- We distribute clothes and food to needy families, single parents, and homeless in need. The distribution takes place every Sunday after our 10AM worship service; Street Outreach Teams- Groups go out on the streets to minister to the homeless’ physical and spiritual needs. With back pack filled with food, clothing and hygiene supplies, the group’s fellowship, encourage, and pray with the homeless. This outreach takes place every Friday at 6PM; Storefront- We provide a home cooked meal for homeless teenagers. Through this we are able to build relationships and show them real love; Community Dinners- A free, warm, dinner for the homeless in our community, designed to create a community or family feel. Thursdays at 5PM and Sundays at 4PM; Bless the City- Our Christmas outreach for needy families, we provide a Christmas meal and toys for every kid. This is a night of fun, family, friendship, worship, evangelism, and giving.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?