Georgia Food/Personal Care Items/Rent/Utilities/Prescripti >> Duluth Food Assistance >> Hands of Christ (A Duluth Coopertive Ministry)

  • Name: Hands of Christ (A Duluth Coopertive Ministry)
  • Address: 3395 Fox St., Building 101
  • City: Duluth, GA 30096
  • Phone: 770.623.9563
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: The Purpose of Hands of Christ, a Duluth Cooperative Ministry, is to utilize the resources of the community as a Christian Cooperative to glorify God and demonstrate Christ's love by ministering to the material and spiritual needs of those in crisis. In October 1992, ministers and representatives from 10 churches in Duluth, Georgia met to pray, discuss and plan ways to meet a growing crisis in our community. From these meetings came the birth of the Hands of Christ ministry. Today, Hands of Christ is managed by a Director and staffed by volunteers. A Board comprised of more than 12 member volunteers of local partner churches oversees the ministry. The Duluth Cooperative Ministry is an ecumenical Christian, non-profit 501c(3), non-political organization providing aid for people in our community with urgent physical, economic, social and spiritual needs. A cooperative effort prevents duplication of services and provides a more efficient use of our resources.

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