Louisiana Food/Utility Assistance/Clothing Assistance/Rent A >> New Iberia Food Assistance >> Disch-Declouet Social Service Center

  • Name: Disch-Declouet Social Service Center
  • Address: 432 Bank Avenue
  • City: New Iberia, LA 70560
  • Phone: 337.369.6384
  • Website: http://www.stpetersofnewiberia.com/disch-declouet-social-service-center
  • Contact Email: socialsrvcenter@bellsouth.com
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: The Disch-Declouet Social Service Center, a non-profit organization, serves the poor and needy of Iberia parish with immediate assistance for critical and basic human needs. The assistance is provided without a waiting period and without charge. Our mission includes treating all clients with dignity, respect, and cheerfulness; counseling them on personal and financial issues; encouraging them in their illnesses, grief, and other troubles; and praying with them.The Social Service Center has no paid staff and is run by approximately 35 dedicated, permanent volunteers. We also have temporary volunteers, such as seminarians who work at the center to get some small ideal of the scope of poverty and the problems of the poor in Iberia Parish and how the Social Service Center addresses this. Our funding sources are: Individual donations (56%); Churches (24%); Untied Way (16%); Iberia parish (4%). Almost 40 Years of Serving Basic Human Needs. Each year we provide approximately: 4500 instances of utility assistance, 4500 bags of groceries, 3500 instances of clothing assistance, 300 instances of rent assistance, dentistry, burial assistance, transportation, hurricane relief, school uniforms, school supplies, milk, counseling on reducing expenses and increasing income, referrals to other agencies and prayer.

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Question by User (3 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?