California Food Pantry >> San Jose Food Assistance >> Cathedral Of Faith - Reaching Out Food Outreach

  • Name: Cathedral Of Faith - Reaching Out Food Outreach
  • Address: 2315 Canoas Garden Ave
  • City: San Jose, CA 95125
  • Phone: 408.979.3048
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Our Vision is to assist low-income and homeless people in Santa Clara County by providing food, basic life necessities, and job training resources in a loving and supportive environment. When Pastor Kenny Foreman prayed the Prayer of Dedication at the Cathedral of Faith, part of it consisted of these words – “Help us to care about people no one cares about; Help us to hear the cry no one else is hearing; Help us to see the hurt no one else is noticing.” What Reaching Out Provides: Offer twice weekly food distribution, Wednesdays & Thursday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.; Conduct one-on-one personal need ascertainment; Motivate and guide individuals toward adult education and vocational training; Provide basic life necessities and food to local homeless and homeless ministries; Serve 2,500 boxes of groceries and 2,500 turkeys at the annual Christmas Food Distribution. Founded in 1979 out of a church closet, the program now operates from a 16,000 foot distribution complex. Reaching Out is able to serve 40,000 families annually, providing food for 180,000 people. The California Department of Agriculture has recognized Reaching Out as one of the most efficient food programs in the state.

Comment from Meno : Hello I was wondering what do I have to do or bring to the food pantry to get food
Comment from Teresa Eames: What do I need to bring in for proof of a family of 5 needing food?
Comment from Grateful: Hello, Went to the food bank on May 14, 2020. I really do appreciate the help, I’m very grateful that they’re here. But some of the items I received Had Expired , clearly marked on the packages, for example, Nutritional drinks and cookies. The pears I received were obviously rotten. Yes I am very grateful for getting anything for safety reasons they should check the food more closely. Thank you concern
Comment from Sabrina Pate : Is the food pantry open today

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?