California Food Banks >>
San Jose Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in San Jose CA
Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara & San Mateo Counties San Jose, CA 95125 408.266.8866 |
Details: Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties is the trusted leader dedicated to ending local hunger. Since its inception in 1974, Second Harvest has become one of the largest food banks in the nation, providing food to an average of nearly one quarter of a million people each month. The Food Bank mobilizes individuals, companies, and community partners to connect people to the nutritious food they need. Nearly half of the food distributed is fresh produce. Second Harvest also plays a leading role in promoting federal nutrition programs and educating families on how to make healthier food choices. |
Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen at Goodwill Building San Jose, CA 95112 408.998.1500 |
Details: Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen is committed to providing no cost, hot nutritious meals and support services in a dignified, safe and caring environment. We provide services to all needy individuals, with special concern for families, senior citizens and homeless. Loaves & Fishes was founded in 1980 to fill a void in the community for these special populations. Our kitchens now serve meals five days each week at four locations. The number of guests has grown from the initial 11 guests served on February 15, 1980, to more than 400 people served daily. Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, handicap or sexual orientation. Goodwill Building - Meals Served: Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm; Beginning March 3rd, 2014: Serving To-Go meals only Monday through Friday at 4pm. |
Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen at Eastside Neighborhood Center San Jose, CA 95116 408.998.1500 |
Details: Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen is committed to providing no cost, hot nutritious meals and support services in a dignified, safe and caring environment. We provide services to all needy individuals, with special concern for families, senior citizens and homeless. Loaves & Fishes was founded in 1980 to fill a void in the community for these special populations. Our kitchens now serve meals five days each week at four locations. The number of guests has grown from the initial 11 guests served on February 15, 1980, to more than 400 people served daily. Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, handicap or sexual orientation. Eastside Neighborhood Center - Meals Served: Mondays - Friday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm |
Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen at Grace Baptist Chuch San Jose, CA 95112 408.998.1500 |
Details: Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen is committed to providing no cost, hot nutritious meals and support services in a dignified, safe and caring environment. We provide services to all needy individuals, with special concern for families, senior citizens and homeless. Loaves & Fishes was founded in 1980 to fill a void in the community for these special populations. Our kitchens now serve meals five days each week at four locations. The number of guests has grown from the initial 11 guests served on February 15, 1980, to more than 400 people served daily. Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, handicap or sexual orientation. |
Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen at Saint Maria Goretti Kitchen San Jose, CA 95111 408.998.1500 |
Details: Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen is committed to providing no cost, hot nutritious meals and support services in a dignified, safe and caring environment. We provide services to all needy individuals, with special concern for families, senior citizens and homeless. Loaves & Fishes was founded in 1980 to fill a void in the community for these special populations. Our kitchens now serve meals five days each week at four locations. The number of guests has grown from the initial 11 guests served on February 15, 1980, to more than 400 people served daily. Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, handicap or sexual orientation. Saint Maria Goretti Kitchen - Meal Program: Wednesdays & Fridays 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm; Grocery Bag Program: 3rd Wednesday of the month 11:00 am - 12:00 noon |
Cathedral Of Faith - Reaching Out Food Outreach San Jose, CA 95125 408.979.3048 |
Details: Our Vision is to assist low-income and homeless people in Santa Clara County by providing food, basic life necessities, and job training resources in a loving and supportive environment. When Pastor Kenny Foreman prayed the Prayer of Dedication at the Cathedral of Faith, part of it consisted of these words – “Help us to care about people no one cares about; Help us to hear the cry no one else is hearing; Help us to see the hurt no one else is noticing.†What Reaching Out Provides: Offer twice weekly food distribution, Wednesdays & Thursday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.; Conduct one-on-one personal need ascertainment; Motivate and guide individuals toward adult education and vocational training; Provide basic life necessities and food to local homeless and homeless ministries; Serve 2,500 boxes of groceries and 2,500 turkeys at the annual Christmas Food Distribution. Founded in 1979 out of a church closet, the program now operates from a 16,000 foot distribution complex. Reaching Out is able to serve 40,000 families annually, providing food for 180,000 people. The California Department of Agriculture has recognized Reaching Out as one of the most efficient food programs in the state. |
Community Outreach Ministry Endeavor (C.O.M.E.) San Jose, CA 95112 408.286.8413 |
Details: Feeding and caring for those in need in downtown San Jose, in the name of Christ, since 1981. Our Food Pantry: C.O.M.E.’s dedicated volunteers prepare individual bags with staple foods before we open our doors. Our clients can look forward to receiving staples such as rice, beans, and cereal, as well as canned and frozen goods. Fresh produce is given out at the back dock, where our clients can freely choose from a changing variety of fruits, vegetables, bread, snacks, and frozen goods. Our Clothes Closet: The C.O.M.E. facility’s second story houses our Clothes Closet. Our staff works with great care to sort, inspect, and then place each garment in its section. C.O.M.E.’s Clothes Closet is very popular as is often seen by the people gathered at its entranceway long before the doors open. Each month, thousands of donated garments are distributed to hundreds of people on a self-shop basis. |
Santa Maria Urban Ministry - Food Pantry San Jose, CA 95110 408.292.3314 |
Details: Santa Maria Urban Ministry (SMUM) distributes food from supporters, including Second Harvest Food Bank, and Martha’s Kitchen, to about 1,800 people a month, half of whom are children. If a Client lives in one of these zip code areas, Santa Maria Urban Ministry is the designated food agency (Si usted vive en una de estas áreas del código postal, El Ministerio Urbano de Santa MarÃa es la agencia señalada del alimento): 95110, 95117, 95125, 95126, 95128, 95131, 95132 and 95134. To register, please bring a valid ID and proof of address (such as a recent utility bill or recent personal letter envelope) as proof of zip code area residency. |
Sacred Heart Community Service - Louise's Pantry San Jose, CA 95110 408.278.2160 |
Details: Each day, staff and volunteers serve food to more than 400 families. We have two permanent food programs: a three-day supply called an emergency supplement, and an assortment of food for homeless customers that requires no prep or cooking. Customers can receive food twice a month. Each customer leaves with a grocery bag of nonperishable items, a 5 to 15 pound bag of produce, and a cold bag that consists of a meat product, eggs, a loaf of bread, and a package of tortillas. The agency also provides non-cooking bags to homeless customers and others who don't have a kitchen or are unable to cook. All the food in those bags are ready to serve and all cans have pop-tops that can be opened without a can opener. Pop-top protein items, such as meat soups and chili, are always a big need. Sacred Heart serves customers living in the following zip codes (which are subject to change): 95110, 95117, 95125, 95126, 95128 and 95134. Any customer not living in one of the above zip codes can come to Sacred Heart Community Service on a one-time basis for food. We then refer them to Second Harvest for additional services. |
Cityteam San Jose - Dining Hall San Jose, CA 95112 408.288.2153 |
Details: Thousands of people in the San Jose area woke up today hungry and homeless. For the poorest of the poor among us, this is real life. Living under bridges, rummaging through trash cans for scraps of food and desperately searching for other ways to survive. Many believe they are a throw-away society. Here at the Cityteam Rescue Mission we restore hope, faith and dignity to the homeless who are easily overlooked in our community. Every night our guests at the Rescue Mission are provided with hot, homecooked food. A hot meal is often the first step to helping a homeless person get off the streets. Our dinning hall serves men, women and children every night starting at 5:00 PM. At Cityteam, our desire is to see lives transformed. Sometimes that process begins with a hot nutritious meal or a night's shelter. But at it's heart, this ministry is about coming alongside needy people and helping them rebuild their lives. |
Recovery Café San José San Jose, CA 95112 408.294.2963 |
Details: Recovery Café is founded on the belief that every human being is precious, worthy of love and deserving of the opportunities to fulfill his or her potential. In this loving community people who cannot afford long-term recovery services will come to belong, heal and know themselves as loved. In this sanctuary from the streets, the Café will help participants develop tools and access other community resources for stabilizng recovery. Meaningful daily activities and a positive community are powerful forces that help break the patterns and challenges of addiction, unemployment and homelessness. Meals: Lunch and dinner will be served daily. Meals are free to members. Shared meals will provide the opportunity for members to interact. Volunteering for the preparation, service and clean up for meals will also provide opportunities for service. |
Lord's Pantry GDLCSJ San Jose, CA 95127 408.258.7563 |
Details: As a ministry of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church of San Jose, our mission is to Care for our clients, our community, as well as one another. Grow in faith and love, and Serve those in need of food, to the best of oo. The Lord's Pantry is a nonprofit, emergency food program run completely (except for the Director) by VOLUNTEERS. We arr an agency of the ​Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara County ​​​​​​​serving these ziip code areas: 95121, 94122, 95127, 95132, 95133, 95140 and 95148. On a monthly basis and by referral only, we provide three to five days of groceries based on the size of the family. This Pantry also offers a Second Helping program that allows groceries twice a month for those who qualify. |
San Jose Neighbors That Care, Inc. San Jose, CA 95124 408.269.2893 |
Details: San Jose Neighbors That Care, Inc., wants to thank the generous businesses, clubs, corporations, foundations, and private donors for their assistance in buying food and clothing for needy families this past year. Due to your generosity, we have distributed over 125,000 lbs of food to families in need. The downturn in the economy has created a larger need than ever before. We are thankful for all the support and will continue to reach out to help families with children. We want to give every child a chance. No child should have to go to bed hungry in Silicon Valley. |
St. Julie Billiart Parish Food Pantry San Jose, CA 95119 408.226.3533 |
Details: Through the Food Pantry ministry, the parishioners of St. Julie Billiart community embrace all people as children of God and reach out to care for those in need. In the last year, the food pantry has provided food to 1,200 to 1,400 people each month. In addition, 200 Christmas baskets were given out in 2010. We need your continued support in both food and monetary donations to make sure we can continue this vital service to the community. |
St. Martin of Tours Parish - Food Box Program San Jose, CA 95128 408.294.8953 |
Details: The Food Box Program is a major food distribution program offering various opportunities for parishioners to participate. Volunteers are needed to sort, pack, and distribute the food once per month. Volunteers can join us at any time. Food sorting is done on the third Monday of the month from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Food packing is on the third Friday of the month from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the gym. Food Box delivery is offered to recipient individuals or agencies on an “as needed†basis |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?