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Being Alive - Daniel's Pantry
- Name: Being Alive - Daniel's Pantry
- Address: 4070 Centre Street
- City: San Diego, CA 92103
- Phone: 619.291.1400
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: Being Alive continues to offer the BASD commodities program to low income, HIV symptomatic persons. Current eligibility requirements for new clients of the commodities programs are similar to those for the previous Food Voucher program. Commodities are available to our clients each month. Shelf stable food items (canned goods, cereal, juices, pastas, etc.) and fresh produce items vary each month and are issued Monday through Thursday once each month. Occasionally we have nutritional supplements (ENSURE, BOOST) on a first-come, first served basis. Our clients can elect to use this benefit on a month-to-month basis. Program eligibility: A documented diagnosis of HIV by your physician is required; Proof of income; Photo Identification
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