North Carolina Food Pantry >> Greensboro Food Assistance >> Alamance Presbyterian Church Food Pantry

  • Name: Alamance Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
  • Address: 4000 Presbyterian Road
  • City: Greensboro, NC 27406
  • Phone: 336.697.0488
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: The Alamance Presbyterian Church food pantry was started in April, 2010. In January, 2011, we partnered with Second Harvest Regional Food Bank in Winston-Salem, to enable us to receive additional federal and state subsidized food. This lets us to serve many more families with a consistent supply of a variety of foods. We currently have a core group of 64 volunteers, who pick up food at Second Harvest and Food Lion; sort, shelve, pack, and distribute food to our clients; and buy food when needed. We partner with three churches in our local area: Restoration Church, Coble Lutheran Church, and Southeast Baptist Church. These three churches provide volunteers and donations of food to the pantry. To receive food, call Alamance Presbyterian Church at the number below and speak with Lynn Barnes (or others in the office) beginning at 8:30 a.m. each Monday to sign-up for the following Saturday food pick-up. Church Office Number: 336-697-0488. The quantity of food is designed to feed a family for a week. There is no charge to the recipients for the food. Food is distributed each Saturday from 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. in Brown Fellowship Hall (located behind the church).

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Question by User (3 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?