North Carolina Food Banks >> Greensboro Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Greensboro NC

Greensboro Urban Ministry Food Bank
Greensboro, NC 27406
Details: The Greensboro Urban Ministry Food Bank collects and redistributes good, edible food to as many as 110 people a day. This food, which would otherwise be discarded, comes from these sources: Surplus food: grocers, wholesalers, and gardeners; Prepared and perishable food: local restaurants and caterers. Greensboro Urban Ministry strives to fill the gap between individual income and government benefits by providing emergency food assistance through our Emergency Assistance Program. These food assistance bags include fruits and vegetables, grains, and protein, to help ensure that those receiving assistance are eating balanced nutritious meals. By helping to ebb the pains of hunger, recipients are provided with some peace of mind and the fortitude necessary to focus on other areas of crisis in their lives. While roughly 80% of the families and individuals receiving food assistance are financially stable outside of their food needs, nearly 20% of recipients are in need of additional assistance. For these people, their additional needs are identified and the Emergency Assistance Program assists them financially to help ensure that stability can be regained. Last year, the Food Bank received 1,192,863 pounds of food and provided 22,942 food assistance bags.
Guilford County Food Pantry
Greensboro, NC 27401
Details: Guilford County Food Pantry’s primary mission is to end hunger throughout Guilford County regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, handicap, or political beliefs. We believe that Charity begins at home; while we desire to reach out to others in the world we must aid those in our community and our backyards first. Guilford County Food Pantry is a true Food Pantry, meaning all items we purchase from our local food banks (Second Harvest Food Bank Of Northwest N.C. and Greensboro Urban Ministry Food Bank) will be given away. That’s right 100% of all food purchased or donated will be given away. We currently serve 800 to 1,200 families per month averaging 80 to 100 pounds per family. In partnership with (Second Harvest Food Bank Of Northwest N.C.) this will be our second year distributing food for the Youth Summer Feeding Program. Guilford County Food Pantry is part of Final Call Outreach Ministries, which is a 501 c-3 Non Profit Organization. We previously transported Greensboro Urban Ministries guest Monday thru Friday from the Greensboro Urban Ministry (Weaver House Shelter) to the (IRC) Interactive Resource Center. We also pick the homeless guest up for our weekly service. We have a Clothing Pantry every Saturday of each month for those in need; we receive donations of clothes which we distribute. The Pantry will be manned by volunteers from Veterans, Firefighters, County Sheriffs and our everyday volunteers.
FaithWorks Ministries - 2 Fish and 5 Loaves Emergeny Food Pantry
Greensboro, NC 27406
Details: Our food pantry is open on the last Saturday of each month from 10:00 am - 12:00 noon. No appointment needed. No qualifications.
Alamance Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
Greensboro, NC 27406
Details: The Alamance Presbyterian Church food pantry was started in April, 2010. In January, 2011, we partnered with Second Harvest Regional Food Bank in Winston-Salem, to enable us to receive additional federal and state subsidized food. This lets us to serve many more families with a consistent supply of a variety of foods. We currently have a core group of 64 volunteers, who pick up food at Second Harvest and Food Lion; sort, shelve, pack, and distribute food to our clients; and buy food when needed. We partner with three churches in our local area: Restoration Church, Coble Lutheran Church, and Southeast Baptist Church. These three churches provide volunteers and donations of food to the pantry. To receive food, call Alamance Presbyterian Church at the number below and speak with Lynn Barnes (or others in the office) beginning at 8:30 a.m. each Monday to sign-up for the following Saturday food pick-up. Church Office Number: 336-697-0488. The quantity of food is designed to feed a family for a week. There is no charge to the recipients for the food. Food is distributed each Saturday from 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. in Brown Fellowship Hall (located behind the church).
Turning Point 180 - Bread of Life Food Pantry
Greensboro, NC 27405
Details: The Bread of Life Food Pantry was founded in June 2010. Since then we have served over 2000 people consistently each year. We provide emergency food services to Greensboro and Surrounding areas. HOURS: Monday 10-2pm, Tuesday and Thursday 1-4pm by appointment only
United Youth Care Services Food Bank
Greensboro, NC 27405
Details: United Youth Care Services Food Bank collects and distributes food to the hungry. Food usually comes from various sources in the food industry, like grocery stores and wholesalers, that have thousands of pounds of food to give away - food that could otherwise be thrown away.
One Step Further Inc. - Food Pantry
Greensboro, NC 27401
Details: The program provides a 7-day supply of groceries (approximately 31.5 pounds) to each client and family members once a month. It is one of few community food pantries that provides food based on family size. Additionally, the CSNP is one of the select few programs that provides fresh produce and frozen meats on a year round basis; is the only program that provides a home-delivered grocery assistance service to Greater Greensboro homebound seniors and incapacitated adults; and is qualified to complete onsite food stamp applications and forwards these applications directly to the DSS for processing. The CSNP has facilities in both Greensboro and High Point. The Grocery Assistance Program serves over 1400 individuals a month and distributes over 20,000 pounds of food each month.
Vandalia Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
Greensboro, NC 27406
Celia Phelps UMC Food Pantry
Greensboro, NC 27407
Details: Food Pantry Hours of Operation: 1st and 3rd Tuesday in each month 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Food Assistance Inc.
Greensboro, NC 27407
Details: Food Assistance, Inc. (FAI) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 charitable organization based in Greensboro, NC. Founded in 2003 by Jane Carlson, FAI serves low-income and disabled seniors in Guilford County. Currently FAI assists 450 families each month with upwards of 150 community volunteers delivering food, friendship, and hope. These groceries are at no charge to the recipients. You can be a blessing and receive a blessing by spending just 5-15 minutes with each recipient when you deliver their food. It is a chance to give back to the community (meet some of our "hidden national treasures") and make a difference in the lives of our elderly citizens. After a lifetime of work, many seniors are living on fixed incomes that often force them to choose between paying for basic necessities or buying groceries. Limited mobility and dependence on outside assistance makes seniors particularly vulnerable to hunger. 19.5% of seniors live in or at the poverty level.
Out of the Garden Project
Greensboro, NC 27409
Details: We are a food assistance program for families primarily in Guilford County. We desire to partner with parents, teachers, friends, and organizations to provide food and hope for every child! We provide a bag of food, including two meals, for a family of for (6-7 lbs) each Friday at 50+ schools in Guilford County, including one in Forsyth County and one in Alamance County. We reach more than 1,250 families each week. Out of the Garden Project also provides 350 backpacks each week for the United Way of High Point. Our 19 monthly Fresh Mobile Markets offer 65+ pounds of food per family and reach more than 1200 families each month in Greensboro and High Point.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?