Indiana Food Banks >>
South Bend Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in South Bend IN
Food Bank of Northern Indiana South Bend, IN 46601 574.232.9986 |
Details: The Food Bank of Northern Indiana works in partnership with the community to feed the hungry, increase awareness of the effects of hunger and lead programs designed to alleviate hunger. |
KPC Food Pantry South Bend, IN 46616 574.233.7901 |
Details: The KPC food pantry is a partnership with the Northern Indiana Food Bank (NIFB). We desire to be able to help families who have food needs in our community. At this time, food is distributed to families on an as-needed basis. |
St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Joseph County - Client Choice Food Pantry South Bend, IN 46617 574.234.6000 |
Details: Our doors are open every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10AM-2PM. Come into our dining room, we'll have coffee and donuts ready for you to snack until it's your chance to take a shopping cart through our pantry to find the items your family needs. If you are in need of food, please do not hesitate to call the Emergency Assistance Office at 234-6000, Opt 3. We are here to help. Our well-stocked Client Choice Food Pantry helps our Vincentians bring food to those in need all over St. Joseph County and Elkhart. The items on our shelves come from the generosity of many people and organizations within the community. The food pantry is located at the St. Vincent de Paul Center in downtown South Bend. Primarily, we help those in need through the SVdP conferences throughout the city/county. For those not served by one of our conferences, we do serve individual clients at this pantry. For service, we require a photo ID and a proof of current address. |
First United Methodist Church Food Pantry South Bend, IN 46601 574.233.9463 |
Details: Our food pantry recently received the Northern Indiana Food Bank Award for Excellence and servers hundreds of people every week (Tuesdays from 10:00 to 2:00, and the first and third Saturdays from 9:00 to noon.) |
South Bend Food Pantry South Bend, IN 46613 574.234.3111 |
Details: Wednesdays 10 a.m.–12 p.m., 5–7 p.m. |
West Side Church of Christ - Food Pantry South Bend, IN 46628 574.234.3866 |
Details: |
Faith Baptist Church Food Pantry South Bend, IN 46616 574.233.6428 |
Details: The Faith Baptist Church Food Pantry was dedicated on January 18, 2004. It is a joint venture with Grace Baptist Church of Granger, Indiana. On the one anniversary of the Food Pantry, we celebrate the disbursement of over 500 boxes of non-perishable food items to needy families. The Faith Baptist Church Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 3:00PM to 5:00PM. Recipients must bring a picture ID and proof of residency. |
Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church - Feed the Need Pantry South Bend, IN 46628 574.232.6700 |
Details: The Feed the Need Pantry is not only to provide food (for families in need) for the body, but our mission is to also spiritually feed the soul. Greater St. John MBC will provide food, informational literature, spiritual readings, as well as provide other assistance as deemed necessary for the community. Open Wednesdays 10:00 am - 11:15 am |
St. Margaret's House South Bend, IN 46601 574.234.7795 |
Details: St. Margaret's House improves the lives of women and children by providing individual attention to their immediate needs, breaking the bonds of isolation and helping them acquire skills to better their lives. Through a philosophy of shared ownership in St. Margaret's House, guests become empowered by participating in planning and decision making. Meals: A hot, nutritious lunch served everyday at noon and a continental breakfast from 10-11 am. |
Church Lady And Friends Outreach Ministries Bread of Life Free Food Kitchen South Bend, IN 46615 574.387.4805 |
Details: Hunger is not limited to the young or old. Last year we provided over 18,200 meals to people in St. Joseph County. Hours: Tues 4 pm - 5:30 pm, Wed-Sat 11:30 am - 1 pm. |
Broadway Christian Parish UMC - Community Food Pantry South Bend, IN 46613 574.289.0333 |
Details: Community residents have access to a variety of foods through the Broadway Food Pantry. Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. The food pantry serves everyone once a month. You must arrive and be signed in by 10:30 a.m. Please bring a photo ID and a piece of mail addressed to you that matches the ID. Over 3,000 people per year are aided by this ministry, which is supported by the Broadway congregation and other churches and groups. |
River Park United Methodist Church Food Pantry South Bend, IN 46615 574.288.6243 |
Details: The River Park UMC Food Pantry serves individuals living in the 46615 areas of South Bend. In the past year we served 1350 families (over 4000 individuals). The food pantry gratefully accepts donations of food and money. Open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 10:00 am till noon. |
The StoreHouse South Bend, IN 46613 5742893150 |
Details: Wednesday 7:00pm-8:30pm Sunday 9:30am-11:00am Appointments are required and can be made here: All Elkhart & St. Joseph county residents in need are welcome. No ID required.
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?