New Hampshire Food Banks >> Salem Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Salem NH

Bread of Life Food Pantry
Salem, NH 03079
Details: Open Mondays 10:00am-12:00pm. We serve 40-80 families every week.
Food for the Hungry Food Pantry
Salem, NH 03079
Details: Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - noon
Greater Salem Community Action Center - Food Pantry
Salem, NH 03079
Details: Households who are facing severe economic hardship, are critically low on food, and are from communities, in which other emergency food pantries are under-stocked or unavailable, are provided with goods from our food pantries located in our Community Action Centers. Non-perishable goods are provided, and frozen meats, dairy products, and perishables may be available.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?