Illinois Food Banks >> Peoria Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Peoria IL

Peoria Area Food Bank
Peoria, IL 61605
Details: The Peoria Area Food Bank was formed in 1984 to help supplement the dietary and nutritional needs of low-income families. The Peoria Area Food Bank is a member of Feeding America (formerly America's Second Harvest), the nation's largest hunger-relief organization, and is active with Feeding Illinois (formerly the Illinois Food Bank Association), whose mission is to educate the public about the purpose of Feeding America food banks serving Illinois counties, and the role the food banks play in addressing hunger. The Food Bank provides 116 active food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, senior housing, and low-income day-care centers with large quantities of food from name brand manufacturers and USDA commodities on a daily basis. The food bank also operates a Mobile Food Pantry, a SNAP Outreach Program and works with several Back Pack programs throughout the service area.
Common Place - Emergency Food Pantry
Peoria, IL 61605

The Emergency Food Pantry is run by adult literacy students as volunteers. Residents can receive food once per month. Pantry is open every Friday, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

First United Methodist Church - Loaves and Fish
Peoria, IL 61603
Details: Loaves and Fish is a weekly feeding ministry providing a free hot meal, food pantry, worship service, educational assistance, clothing room and medical clinic to those in need each Saturday. Begun in 1994, Loaves & Fish serves from 250 - 375 guests weekly. Hours for guests: Meal & Food Pantry | 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.
New Beginnings Ministries of Peoria - God's Table Food Pantry
Peoria, IL 61603
Details: God's Table is a food pantry ministry that was established on december 3, 2011. Its mission is to assist the homeless and feed the hungry. The pantry was founded by god and assigned to the care of Sis. Barbara Miller, whose passion and dedication has prompted support from various sponsors to include: New Beginnings Ministries of Peoria, God's Ministries, D.A.V. Heart of Illinois - Chapter 1, Imago Dei Church, Kroger, Midwest Food Bank (which is the major contributor of food). On average, the pantry's distribution of food to the surrounding community is between 70 - 85% during the summer months and 62 - 78% during the winter months. Our mission statement: Our mission is to carry on the good works that have been appointed to us by scripture: for i was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: i was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: i was a stranger, and ye took me in. Matthew 25:35 (kjv). Our vision: To join forces with already established food pantries throughout the city & to deliver food to those who are unable to travel due to lack of transportation it is our intention to see that no one goes hungry in our community. Our short-term goal is to open a kitchen to prepare meals, as well as, to teach individuals how to prepare meals themselves. our motto is: "if you teach individuals how to fish, they will be able to feed themselves and teach others". Our long-term goal is to open food pantries at various locations throughout the peoria area. It is our belief that no child should go hungry. we realize that there are unfortunate circumstances within our communities that make life difficult. Therefore, we feel that it is our christian responsibility to provide food services that will give the proper nourishment to such families. We sincerely believe that god is honored in our effort to help make a difference in the lives of others and that god's favor will continue to rain on this ministry. God's Table Ministry hours: every fourth Saturday 11:00 am - 12:30pm.
South Side Mission
Peoria, IL 61605

Daily Soup Kitchen located at our main office building on Laramie St. Doors open at 11:45pm.

Redeemer Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
Peoria, IL 61614
Details: We try to meet or refer those who come to us with specific needs. Some areas we address are food, by the use of our pantry, very limited financial assistance, referrals for counseling, prayer, but most importantly share the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Salvation Army - Sylvia Fites Family Service Center
Peoria, IL 61603
Details: The Sylvia Fites Family Services Center at 414 NE Jefferson in Peoria houses the "Lunch with Love" program, which provides a free noon meal Monday throught Friday for those in need of a hot nutritious lunch. Approximately 300 meals are served daily. Other services provided by the Sylvia Fites Family Services Center include emergency food pantry, rent assistance, information and referral services, seasonal assistance, job training opportunities, Bible studies and more. The Salvation Army also operates a drop-in center for area homeless at the Sylvia FitesCenter in Peoria seven days a week, as well as the overnight Safety Net Shelter for homeless men.
Midwest Food Bank - Peoria Division
Peoria, IL 61615
Details: We are Midwest Food Bank. And ours is a vibrant mission. Deliver relief & hope. Fight Hunger and Feed Hope. Gather and distribute. Bridge the gap. Make a difference in our communities. Create volunteer opportunities. This is our roadmap to “Sharing the Blessings.” Our roadmap to alleviate food insecurity and provide relief in the midst of disaster. Learn More Midwest Food Bank - Peoria Division, was established in 2007. We currently serve over 208 nonprofit organizations.
St. Paul Episcopal Church - Emergency Food Pantry
Peoria , IL 61604
Details: The emergency food pantry is to provide emergency food supplies to needy individuals and families. The number of families and individuals served averages about 200 per month. The program is supported by parishioner contributions of both food and money.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?