Illinois Food Banks >>
Moline Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Moline IL
River Bend Food Bank Moline, IL 61265 309.764.7434 |
Details: River Bend Foodbank was established in 1982. Because of the farm implement crisis, tens of thousands of high paying jobs were lost in the Quad City area, and the demand was extremely high for assistance from food pantries and other relief organizations. A group of concerned citizens hoping to find a way to meet the increased demand for food to stock the pantries invited Second Harvest, the national foodbank network to conduct a workshop detailing the foodbank concept. The decision was made to start a foodbank in the Quad Cities and become part of the Second Harvest network. John Deere contributed seed money to rent warehouse space and to hire an executive director and a warehouse manager. In the first year, 190,000 pounds of food was collected, stored and distributed to food pantries and other non profit agencies with feeding programs. |
YouthHope Food Pantry Moline, IL 61265 309.762.4577 |
Details: YouthHope offers a Food Pantry to members of the community who are in need. Located at the Moline Youth Center, the Food Pantry serves residents of Moline, except west of 34th Street and north of 12th Avenue. Families and individuals may visit the Food Pantry once every 30 days to receive food. A state ID and proof of address are required in order to receive assistance. YouthHope also coordinates holiday baskets for families in need. Sign up for Thanksgiving baskets is approximately the third week in October, and sign up for Christmas baskets is approximately the third week in November. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?