New Hampshire Food Banks >> Hillsborough Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Hillsborough NH

Hillsborough District Food Pantry
Hillsborough, NH 03244
Details: The Hillsborough District Food Pantry was organized in the late 1980's in a small space on West Main Street. In 2002 a building at 7 Church Street was donated by Banknorth. In 2009/10, the Friends of the Hillsborough Food Pantry was formed by local business owners to head up an extensive fundraising effort to raise the funds needed to construct a new state of the art building at 7 Church St. Thanks to an army of volunteers, that goal has been realized and the Pantry opened for business on January 23, 2010. The Hillsborough District Food Pantry is run by 55 volunteers who gather on Tuesday evenings to provide 90 - 100 local families with portions of their weekly food, meat when possible, personal hygiene products and paper goods. The Hillsborough Clothing Closet, operated by a separate group of five volunteers, occupies the second floor of the building. The Closet provides donated clothing to anyone who needs it, including clothes, shoes, coats and seasonal items. A walk-in freezer has been obtained and installed but funds are still being sought to install an elevator to allow those with disabilities to reach the second floor.

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Question by User (5 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?