New Hampshire Food Banks >> Deerfield Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Deerfield NH

Deerfield Food Pantry
Deerfield, NH 03037
Details: Our town’s Food Pantry is under the wing of Deerfield Community Church, with distributions made monthly from the walk-out basement of our Parish Hall. Today the Deerfield Food Pantry serves 60 households, and roughly 40 percent of the total individuals receiving food are children under age 18. On distribution days, clients receive enough food to last up to four days, assuming three daily meals. In order to become a regular client of the Deerfield Food Pantry, families or individuals must be participating in a state or Federal assistance program, or income must be below poverty levels as determined by the Federal government. Faith Barry, one of the Food Pantry coordinators, reviews potential clients’ documentation to determine eligibility; if possible, please call her before distribution day at 463-7800. Distribution of food is from 10 a.m. till noon on the last Friday of every month, except September (when the Deerfield Fair falls on the last weekend), November (Thanksgiving) and December (Christmas). Those months, the Friday distribution is the week prior to that event.