Georgia Food Banks >>
Atlanta Food Assistance
Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Atlanta GA
Atlanta Community Food Bank Atlanta, GA 30318 404.892.9822 |
Details: Founded in 1979, ACFB procures over 45 million pounds of food and groceries each year and distributes it to more than 600 nonprofit partner agencies serving families and individuals in 29 metro Atlanta and north Georgia counties. |
Trinity United Methodist Church - Trinity Table Atlanta, GA 30303 404.659.6236 |
Details: Trinity Table provides food for the hungry in a hospitable setting that affirms the dignity and worth of those in need. Trinity Table is a Sunday Soup Kitchen that has been serving the hungry of Atlanta since 1982. We serve everyone who comes to the Table a hot meal and give each guest a to go bag of food as well. This ministry is successful because of the work of our dedicated volunteers. |
St. Francis' Table Atlanta, GA 30308 404.521.1866 |
Details: St. Francis' Table is a soup kitchen. Through it we provide food, drink, and sometimes clothing to the homeless, the poor and the hungry. The numbers of those served is in the tens of thousands, but we serve them all one friend at a time. All are welcome at St. Francis' Table. |
Crossroads Community Ministries Atlanta, GA 30308 404.873.7650 |
Details: Crossroads began over 40 years ago when a member of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church handed a homeless man a sandwich. Today, we are a refuge for people who are homeless in Atlanta, offering compassion with constructive programs designed to give the people who come to us for help the tools they need to get off the streets. Crossroads’ well-trained staff and committed volunteers provide a variety of services to help people who are homeless find shelter and stability. |
Intown Collaborative Ministries Food Pantry Atlanta, GA 30306 423.645.4135 |
Details: The Intown Collaborative Ministries Food Pantry a ministry cooperative of congregations in zip codes 30306 and 30307 intended to help alleviate hunger by providing nutritious food and social service information to those who need them. We also strive to give people opportunities for personal and spiritual growth through meaningful service. The food pantry is located at Druid Hills United Methodist Church, 1200 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30306. Food donations may be dropped off at the church office, Monday through Friday, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. The pantry is open every Saturday to guests from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Guests are referred to the pantry by appointment by the member congregations. Elderly and handicapped guests who are not able to come to the pantry can have food delivered. Walk-in guests will be served after our guests with appointment, if additional food is available. |
Hunter Hill First Missionary Baptist Church - Food Pantry Atlanta, GA 30314 404.753.8185 |
Details: Food Pantry provides non-perishable items to United Way referred persons in need of grocery assistance. |
First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta - Venable Food Pantry Atlanta, GA 30309 404.892.8461 |
Details: The Venable Food Pantry distributes food to the working poor who need emergency assistance in making ends meet because of illness, temporary job loss, or reduced work time. In one year, approximately 131,000 pounds of food is dispensed through the pantry. That's nearly 62 tons of food, and the pantry meets or exceeds that total each year. The need for food is always great, but the November and December holidays present the most critical demands. Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. |
Central United Methodist Church - Food Pantry Atlanta, GA 30314 404.524.4263 |
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Shallowford Presbyterian Church - Food Pantry Atlanta, GA 30345 404.321.1844 |
Details: Our independent church food pantry provides groceries to local individuals and families in need, up to four times a year per family. Volunteers can help by buying groceries to stock the pantry or by organizing the stock into bags. Or, volunteers can staff the Food Pantry office at the church, open Tuesdays through Thursdays, 1:00 – 3:00 pm, to meet with and provide food bags to clients. We regularly serve forty to sixty families each month. |
The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church - Food Pantry Atlanta, GA 30316 404.377.0561 |
Details: The Food Pantry provides monthly emergency assistance for food to persons or families experiencing financial difficulties or homelessness. We believe that food is a basic and fundamental right for every woman, man and child of God. The pantry is staffed by volunteers serving those who are hungry or in need of food throughout the metro-Atlanta area and surrounding counties. We offer canned, non-perishable goods and when available meats and dairy from the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Seniors: 1st – 3rd Wednesdays: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Community: 1st -3rd Thursdays: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Food Pantry is closed the last week of each month for Administration and the month of July for sabbatical. |
Action Ministries - Women's Community Kitchen Atlanta, GA 30308 404.881.6744 |
Details: A nutritious weekday meal at the Women’s Community Kitchen, where we serve more than 20,000 meals a year, provides hunger relief and fellowship to homeless women and children in a safe, nurturing environment. |
Malachi's Storehouse Atlanta, GA 30338 678.687.5357 |
Details: We are primarily a food pantry that distributes groceries to families who need emergency help. We expanded our mission and our hearts to further support children in the last few years to include: a reading group while parents shop for groceries; a back-to school event to provide backpacks and school supplies; an exciting Toy Party at Christmas where parents choose toys for their kids. We have increased the number of families served and food distributed substantially over the last five years. The pantry is open on Wednesdays from 1:30-4:30pm |
Atlanta Inner-city Ministry - FOOD & CLOTHING OUTREACH Atlanta, GA 30315 404.622.7931 |
Details: AIM provides food and clothing for those in need in the community. Food is distributed on Thursdays from 11-2. The clothing bus is sorted on Fridays and distributed on Saturday from 11-1. |
West End SDA Church - Community Service Atlanta, GA 30310 404.755.5927 |
Details: Feeding the homeless - 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sabbath sack lunches and the gospel is shared with Atlanta’s homeless. Food Pantry - Open every Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm. |
SouthWest Ecumenical Emergency Assistance Center Atlanta, GA 30310 404.756.1699 |
Details: SWEEAC provides emergency assistance to Southwest Atlanta citizens facing crisis. We encourage families to seek ways to strengthen themselves physically, mentally and spiritually. Our goal is to empower our clients with the tools to once again be self sufficient, productive and contributing members of society. We are very proud of the number of persons we have been able to help. Our Food Pantry is one of our greatest demands at the Center. Food donated from food drives and The Atlanta Community Food Bank help to serve over 1000 families in a given year. That represents over 12,000 people who are referred and served. |
Midtown Assistance Center Atlanta, GA 30308 404.681.5777 |
Details: Since 1986, the Midtown Assistance Center, with the support of donors and volunteers, has helped in over 150,500 emergency situations by providing men, women, and their children with rent and utility assistance, groceries, work clothes, transportation to employment and interviews, counseling and referrals to other services. |
ACSS - Café 458 Atlanta, GA 30312 404.523.1239 |
Details: Once described by President Jimmy Carter as, “a place where the homeless can receive a hug, a warm meal and retain their dignity as human beings,†Café 458 is a life-stabilization program and restaurant for homeless men and women. Café 458 provides daily meals, case management and support services, which help our guests achieve personal goals that lead to self-sufficiency. Most VIPs (Visionary Innovative Partners) served by Café 458 have a history of mental illness, substance abuse addiction and/or physical disabilities that prevent them from working full-time. Located in the heart of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Historical District, Café 458 has been serving homeless persons since 1988. In contrast to classic soup kitchens, meals are provided by “reservation only†to men and women who have been referred by another social service agency. Guests also are permitted to invite family and friends to dine with them twice a month, which helps them develop and maintain supportive relationships. Café 458 offers its homeless guests a true dining experience just like a fine restaurant. Guests are greeted by a host as they come in and are offered a menu from which to choose a healthy noontime meal. Volunteers serve as cooks and wait staff, and are encouraged to interact with guests whenever possible. For many of our guests, the lunch they receive at Café 458 is their only balanced meal of the day, and for far too many of our guests, it is their only meal each day. A choice from the menu, however, is simply a starting point in the process of empowerment at Café 458. Each guest also receives personalized case management to help them meet their goals for self-sufficiency. Potential guests participate in an intake interview and set achievable goals. Our case managers help guests navigate through the system to obtain benefits (such as VA, SSI, and/or SSDI), and access medical care and mental health services that will help them become self-sufficient. Additional supportive services offered at Café 458 include on-site substance abuse and dual-diagnosis support groups, financial management workshops, a clothing closet, laundry, secure storage space, counseling, Community Voice Mail, telephone access and a mailing address. Café 458 also continues to support its graduates through an aftercare program that invites them to dine at the Café twice a month and attend life skills workshops. |
Urban Recipe (formerly GACM) Atlanta, GA 30312 404.688.0871 |
Details: Mission: To provide food for those in need in a way that creates food security, affirms dignity and builds community. |
First Metropolitan Community Church - Crossroads Community Center Atlanta, GA 30329 404.325.4143 |
Details: Crossroads Community Center Provides: A non-religious space for meetings, events, community programs and educational opportunities for a donation. |
Caring For Others, Inc. Atlanta, GA 30354 404.761.0133 |
Details: Caring For Others, Inc. (CFO) is a human services organization established in November 2001 to facilitate personal dignity and provide basic necessities to economically-disadvantaged individuals, senior citizens, the disabled, the unemployed, and families with children. Our Food Pantry is continuously stocked with canned goods and staples from community food donors, civic groups, companies and individuals. Our goal is to help alleviate hunger by providing the necessary food to people who come to our door in need of assistance. |
St. Paul's Episcopal Church - 365 Food Pantry Atlanta, GA 30311 404.375.2811 |
Details: Our mission is to multiply our resources within the St. Paul’s Parish community to increase and access food for hungry individuals. The food pantry is dedicated to meeting the needs of impoverished households with children, seniors and grandparents raising young children. The Food Pantry currently serves approximately 140 families each week. Families sign-in to receive an average of 12 to 19 pounds of food. In addition to food, the pantry has also been able to supply free clothing. In 2012, the pantry provided food to approximately 6000 families. The majority of our food is bought from the Atlanta Community Food Bank. However, the parish community has provided food donations during our various drives. Every Thanksgiving the Pantry provides approximately 225 Thanksgiving baskets filled with an entire holiday meal to members of the community. |
Berean Seventh Day Adventist Church - Berean Outreach Ministries Center Atlanta, GA 30318 404.799.7288 |
Details: Berean Outreach Ministries Center (BOMC) is a multi-purpose facility operated by the Atlanta Berean Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Our mission is to serve the community following the method of Jesus through ministries of compassion in His name. (Luke 4:16-21) |
The Open Door Community Atlanta, GA 30306 404.874.9652 |
Details: We serve breakfasts and soup-kitchen lunches, provide showers and changes of clothes, staff a free medical clinic, conduct worship services and meetings for the clarification of thought, and provide a prison ministry, including monthly trips for families to visit loved ones at the Hardwick Prisons in central Georgia. |
SVdP Family Support Center - The Client Choice Food Pantry Atlanta, GA 30341 678.892.6165 |
Details: The Client Choice Food Pantry operates as a customer-choice model, operating more like a grocery store, allowing clients to ‘shop’ with a trained volunteer. Clients have a broader choice among the food items provided This honors and enhances the dignity and ethnic diversity of the people served, promotes more efficient distribution of our donated resources and minimizes waste. Visitors or those referred to the Family Support Center are interviewed to assess the situation to determine how the Support Center can best respond. The FSC’s goal is to provide long-lasting solutions that will help guests move beyond the crisis or cycle in which they feel entrapped. A primary focus of the Support Center is to provide food. After the initial interview, clients are invited to shop in the Client-Choice Food Pantry with a volunteer’s help and obtain food that is determined by a “point system.†In order to help client retain as much of the monthly funds as possible, clients are screened for benefits. Once qualified the benefit frees up money that can be transferred to other budgetary needs. The FSC is able to screen individuals for government or community benefits, determine eligibility and advance the application more quickly through the process. |
St. John the Wonderworker - Loaves & Fishes Atlanta, GA 30312 404.577.6330 |
Details: Daily feeding the poor Monday through Friday at 10-10:30AM and 2-2:30PM. All the Orthodox Churches of the city of Atlanta, with the blessing of the local Greek Orthodox Bishop, Metropolitan Alexios, support the feeding of the poor and homeless of Atlanta through the food program here at St. Johns Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Churches supply our program with canned goods, left over catering items, money, and volunteers. We feed the poor throughout the Week from 10-10:30 AM and 2-2:30 PM giving out occasional hot meals, sacks of food, sweets, snacks and sandwiches. |
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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?