California Food Pantry >> Woodland Food Assistance >> Woodland Food Closet

  • Name: Woodland Food Closet
  • Address: 509 College Street
  • City: Woodland, CA 95695
  • Phone: 530.662.7020
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Woodland Volunteer Bureau Food Closet aka Woodland Food Closet was established in 1968 to provide emergency assistance to the needy in Yolo County. The Woodland Food Closet, a community based, non-profit service agency, was originally established in response to a Yolo County Grand Jury report, which saw a real need for the formation of a food distribution source in the Woodland area. Our primary focus is to provide three days of nutritionally balanced meals to every individual referred to us who is in an emergency, or crisis situation, or is waiting for other assistance to begin. A referral from a social service agency, including Department of Social Services, Yolo Family Resource Center, Wayfarer’s Center, Pregnancy Support Group, Migrant Education, Yolo County Health Department, Peterson Health Clinic, Hotel Woodland, Head Start Program, churches and schools is necessary to provide the one-time emergency service.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?