California Food/Clothing/Emergency Rental Assistance >> Visalia Food Assistance >> Visalia Emergency Aid Council

  • Name: Visalia Emergency Aid Council
  • Address: 217 N.E. 3rd St.
  • City: Visalia, CA 93291
  • Phone: 559.732.0101
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Every year we assist 14,000 families with children and seniors that do not have the resources to keep pace with inflation. They turn to Visalia Emergency Aid Council (VEAC) for a ray of hope as they cope with poverty-driven circumstances. While it’s not always possible to fulfill everyone’s needs we provide a wide variety of services that support our mission…to promote self sufficiency. Our food pantry is the largest in Tulare County. We assist over 1000 families every month with basic nutritional food such as rice, beans, oatmeal, juice products, dairy products, and fresh fruit or vegetables. Qualified families must meet the guidelines based on household income and number of members living in a residence. Basic provisions help alleviate hunger.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?