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UWF Argo Pantry
- Name: UWF Argo Pantry
- Address: 11000 University Parkway, Building 21
- City: Pensacola, FL 32514
- Phone: 850.474.2384
- Website: http://uwf.edu/
- Contact Email: deanofstudents@uwf.edu
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: The purpose of the Argo Pantry is to provide healthy food to currently enrolled UWF students who are in need of emergency assistance. Our mission is to establish and sustain a campus food pantry that will fulfill the basic requirements of students who are in need. The idea for the food pantry grew out of a conversation between Dr. Keya Wiggins, UWF Psychologist with Counseling and Psychological Services, and Dr. Lusharon Wiley, Director of Case Management Services in the Dean of Students office. Their shared concern and interactions with students had revealed a growing number of students who did not have adequate food. The idea was shared with the AVP/Dean of Students who supported the idea. He had established a food pantry at a prior institution. Students in need of emergency food assistance can visit the Argo Pantry located in the Dean of Students office in building 21. A brief interview and application is required. Food assistance will be provided to the student immediately following the interview. The entire process takes approximately fifteen minutes. Students will be able to access the Argo Pantry up to once a week.
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