- Name: Shared Harvest Foodbank
- Address: 5901 Dixie Highway
- City: Fairfield, OH 45014
- Phone: 513.874.0114
- Website: www.sharedharvest.org
- Contact Email: tina@sharedharvest.org
- Counties Served: Butler, Warren, Preble, Darke, Miami
- Basic Programs: Fresh Produce, Back Pack, Repack Bulk, Salvage, Purchase Program, TEFAP, CSFP, Mobile Pantry, Nutrition Education, Food Stamps
- Description:
The primary purpose of SHF is to alleviate poverty and hunger by soliciting and judiciously distributing surplus marketable and wholesome grocery products to a network of charitable food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and other distributing organizations, which in turn distribute these products to needy and hungry people. SHF will develop, monitor, strengthen, and otherwise support this network of charities by fostering communication, setting standards for distribution and storage, and disseminating educational materials appropriate to our collective mission of helping people in poverty. SHF will educate the public and private sector, and the community in general, about the nature and solutions to the problems of hunger and poverty.
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