California Food Pantry/Senior Outreach Services >> San Juan Capistrano Food Assistance >> Serra's Pantry & Outreach Ministries

  • Name: Serra's Pantry & Outreach Ministries
  • Address: 31611 El Camino Real
  • City: San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
  • Phone: 949.234.1302
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Our mission is to live the gospel values in loving service to the needy in our communities by providing food and related services. We serve those in need with dignity and respect while encouraging self sufficiency through transitional food assistance, financial aid, and resource referral services. We extend these services through our designated ministries and special ministry projects. Serra’s Food Pantry: From our modest beginning more than 20 years ago serving just a few parish families from a small church office we now provide more than 520 families each month with food and hygiene items. Food is distributed to the needy from donations made by area merchants through our “grocery rescue” service. We also receive generous food donations from area churches, businesses, schools, social clubs, youth groups and through many caring individuals who contribute non perishable food and cash gifts. Additionally as a registered nonprofit food agency we receive food through United States Department of Agriculture programs administered by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s 2nd Harvest Regional Food Bank. Parish Aid & Senior Outreach Services: Our ministry is committed to helping those in need who have experienced an unexpected life crisis situation and are in need of transitional support. We provide assistance to single mothers, abuse victims, special needs individuals and the homeless. Services include community based resource referrals, information and at times limited financial assistance. Additionally we provide services to seniors by hosting social events and volunteer visitations. Our family referral services are provided in partnership with Mission Hospital and the Community Health Enrichment Collaborative (CHEC) Family Resource Center. Special Outreach Projects: In December, our Outreach team hosts a special Christmas Party for needy families in our community. Gifts and a holiday meal are distributed to deserving families. We have distributed as many as 1000 donated gifts to more than 330 area families. Serra's Food Pantry is open each week on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Food is distributed to registered clients from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

Comment from Fran Curtis: I am interested in helping. Not sure how. I am especially wanting to help the children who are without food after they leave school. How do you identify those in need? Is there something that individuals or families need to do to get this assistance?

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?