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Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
- Name: Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
- Address: 2222 Cromell Drive
- City: Grand Rapids, MN 55744
- Phone: 218.326.4420
- Website: www.secondharvestncfb.com
- Contact Email: susan@secondharvestncfb.com
- Counties Served: Aitkin, Cass, Crow Wing, Itasca, Koochiching, Kanabec, Mille Lacs
- Basic Programs: Fresh Produce, Back Pack, Repack Bulk, Kids Cafes, Purchase Program, TEFAP, CSFP, Mobile Pantry, Non Food Distribution, Nutrition Education, Food Stamps, On-Site Client Pantry, Community Garden
- Description: Hunger is real in north central Minnesota. That's why it is our mission to engage the community to end hunger. Everyday people living in our small towns and rural areas go hungry because they don't have enough food to eat. Second Harvest North Central Food Bank has been helping local people meet basic food needs for over 20 years.
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How Food Banks Work: A Step-by-Step Guide to Their Operation The Role and Importance of Food Banks in the Community