New Jersey Food Pantry >> Dover Food Assistance >> Saint Mary's Food Pantry

  • Name: Saint Mary's Food Pantry
  • Address: 425 West Blackwell Street
  • City: Dover, NJ 07801
  • Phone: 973.366.0184
  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: Each week, our Food Pantry serves people of the area. It is stocked through donations from local companies, such as Walmart and Panera, as well as through donations from our parishioners throughout the year. We are extremely grateful for these companies that make up 80 percent of our weekly donations, and for the continuous support of our parish. Each year around Thanksgiving, our Food Pantry prepares baskets to make up a Thanksgiving Dinner.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?