Michigan Food Pantry >>
Flint Food Assistance >>
Riverside Tabernacle - The Storehouse
- Name: Riverside Tabernacle - The Storehouse
- Address: 429 NB Chavez Dr.
- City: Flint, MI 48503
- Phone: 810.234.6246
- Website: http://rtflint.org/
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: Since 2003, a weekly food distribution has been operating at Riverside in Flint’s downtown. Five to seven tons of groceries are picked up, unloaded, organized, and distributed by dozens of volunteers from churches across Genesee County each week. Currently, more than seven hundred households and a dozen local agencies receive boxes or bags of food every Tuesday morning. It is an adventure of faith each week to see how the Lord will supernaturally provide for the next distribution!
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How Food Banks Work: A Step-by-Step Guide to Their Operation The Role and Importance of Food Banks in the Community