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Ritter Center - Food Pantry
- Name: Ritter Center - Food Pantry
- Address: 16 Ritter St.
- City: San Rafael, CA 94912
- Phone: 415.457.8182
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: Ritter Center maintains the largest food pantry in Marin County. Each year, the agency distributes more than 7,500 bags of groceries to over 1,400 households. The vast majority of food comes via the San Francisco Food Bank. The pantry packs special bags for the homeless consisting of foods that do not need to be cooked and provides homeless clients with military surplus can openers. Due to the weak economy, Ritter Center has experienced a 37% increase in the number of households seeking food assistance from our pantry from just two years ago.
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