Michigan Food Pantry/Clothing Closet >> Redford Food Assistance >> Redford Interfaith Relief

  • Name: Redford Interfaith Relief
  • Address: 18499 Beech Daly Road
  • City: Redford, MI 48240
  • Phone: 313.387.9802
  • Website: http://redfordinterfaithrelief.org/
  • Contact Email: sue@redfordinterfaithrelief.org
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs: TEFAP; Food Day Food Program; Emergency Food Program; Liquid Nutrition Program; Clothing Closet
  • Description: Redford Interfaith Relief is a coalition of member churches with individuals and organizations to end hunger and poverty in the Redford Community. Individuals and families in need are referred by their neighborhood member church and are provided assistance through the following programs: the Client Choice Emergency Food Pantry, Clothing Closet and TEFAP (The Emergency Food Program—government commodities).

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?