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Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen
- Name: Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen
- Address: 111 High Street
- City: Taunton, MA 02780
- Phone: 508.824.1788
- Website:
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- Description: Our Daily Bread is a non-profit, ecumenical soup kitchen located in the parish hall of St. Thomas Episcopal Church. Its purpose is to provide a free nutritious meal in a warm and welcoming atmosphere for those in need. Our Daily Bread has only a paid director and director’s assistant, therefore, the backbone of the program is its volunteers and their ability as a group to provide a very necessary, basic need in the community. Hunger is an invisible need and is often overlooked, unseen or disbelieved by many. People are being forced to make choices between paying their rent, heating their homes or putting food on their table. During the summer months and school vacations many children are fed. The changes in qualifications by our government of those who can no longer receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and the changes in our Welfare system have increased the needs of many for a nutritious food source. Our Daily Bread serves a noontime meal Monday through Friday, from 11:15 AM to 1:00 PM. Doors are open at 10:00 AM for coffee and donuts. We are "no questions asked" and do not judge those who come in for a meal. All are welcome. Those fed include the homeless, elderly, needy, lonely, deinstitutionalized and disadvantaged. The majority of the daily effort of preparing serving, and cleaning up after a meal for approximately 150 guests is the responsibility of the volunteers with the support of a paid director and director’s assistant. Guests come into the soup kitchen and sit down at their seats where they are served their meals restaurant style by volunteers. There is no shuffling through a line waiting to be handed something. It is felt that we are "food for the soul" as well as food for the body. The personal contact, recognition and conversation provided are an important part of our mission as well as trying to ease the pain of hunger. Guests are served a main meal, salad, dessert, and drink. Bread and butter are on the tables if needed. We serve what most would consider the main meal of the day, such as spaghetti and meatballs, fish dinner, or homemade stews. Seconds are also available if desired. We have a direct impact on the greater community by providing the very basic need of food to those less fortunate in a safe and friendly environment. We are a vital organization that strives to provide dignity and stability to our guests by making a positive difference in their lives and to fight the invisible problem of hunger in our communities.
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