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Open Heart Kitchen at Vineyard Christian Fellowship
- Name: Open Heart Kitchen at Vineyard Christian Fellowship
- Address: 460 N. Livermore Ave.
- City: Livermore, CA 94551
- Phone: 925.580.1616
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: Open Heart Kitchen serves prepared, nutritious meals free of charge to the hungry people of Tri-Valley area. Open Heart Kitchen is the only hot meal program of its kind in the Tri-Valley Area. We feed the hungry every weekday at five locations in Pleasanton, Livermore and Dublin – no questions asked. Founded in 1995 as an interfaith effort, Open Heart Kitchen serves more than 236,000 meals annually. In 2013 we surpassed that record and served over 281,000 meals. There is no qualifying process. Meals may be eaten at our multiple serving sites or taken to go. Our guests come from all walks of life: the homeless; senior on fixed incomes; the unemployed and underemployed; and low-income families struggling to make ends meet. Open Heart Kitchen serves as their safety net. We work in cooperation with the Alameda County Community Food Bank, more than a dozen local food pantries and various Tri-Valley non-profits whose missions promote nutrition and hunger relief. Open Heart Kitchen at Vineyard Christian Fellowship: Thursday 1-6 pm, Friday 3-6pm
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How Food Banks Work: A Step-by-Step Guide to Their Operation The Role and Importance of Food Banks in the Community