Minnesota Food Pantry >> North St. Paul Area Food Shelf

  • Name: North St. Paul Area Food Shelf
  • Address: 2538 E. Seppala Boulevard
  • City: North Saint Paul, MN 55109
  • Phone: 651.770.1309
  • Website: http://northstpaulareaemerge.homestead.com/
  • Contact Email:
  • Counties Served:
  • Basic Programs:
  • Description: The North St. Paul Area Food Shelf is a non-profit organization which serves families in North St. Paul and Oakdale. (The all-volunteer staff serves 14 clients a day.). To receive services: You need to call a day ahead to set up an appointment for picking up your food on the next service day. Please be prompt for your appointment. Also, do not come too early as the volunteers need time to pack your groceries. Make your own arrangements for transportation as we do not provide rides. You must bring two forms of ID: A current driver's license (or a picture ID if you do not have a driver's license) and a current utility bill showing you live in the food shelf area. Do not schedule an appointment unless you know you can make it. You must pick up your food the day of your appointment. It will not be held over for you until the next day. If you call and cancel on the day of your appointment you must wait two weeks to reschedule. If you do not call and do not show up, you will have to wait a month to make a new appointment.

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Question by User (6 months ago): How do i sign up to get food from the pantry?