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Mosaic Christian Church - Manna Food Ministry (Community Outreach and Food Closet)
- Name: Mosaic Christian Church - Manna Food Ministry (Community Outreach and Food Closet)
- Address: 4430 Granite Drive
- City: Rocklin, CA 95677
- Phone: 916.632.8600
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Counties Served:
- Basic Programs:
- Description: Our Community Outreach and Food Closet are ministries that were started a few years back with the heart of meeting the needs of our local families that are economically hurting. In Isaiah 58:7-8, we see that we are to share food with the hungry: "Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness[a] will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard." The Community Outreach does just that. The financial support we receive for this outreach allows us to purchase food, go out to local food banks we have contracted with, and distribute that food to our community. We provide a variety of food, including produce, meat, eggs, and bread. Currently, we are able to provide food on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 9:00am to 12:00pm. We pray every day that we would be able to do more for Christ. The Food Closet, which is open on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from 2:00pm to 5:00pm, is similar to the Community Outreach. However, the Food Closet is comprised only of dry and canned goods, which are stored in a refrigerated room at Mosaic. In 2012, Mosaic was able to give away over 190,000 lbs of food through these ministries. We hope to beat that record. Running these ministries requires many volunteers, significant time to coordinate, and great financial resources. If you are interested in learning more or volunteering, please click the button at the top of this page. Mosaic thanks you for all your prayer, help, and contributions toward the cause of Christ.
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How Food Banks Work: A Step-by-Step Guide to Their Operation The Role and Importance of Food Banks in the Community